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3x Nos razors arrived today! IT'S CHRISTMAS!

Well J,

That King "Perican" looks interesting. Probably be happier in TX than up there in that COLD country. ;)

Nice score Amigo!!
So you're going to use these, good for you! I can't bring myself to use some of the NOS razors I've acquired over the years
It's a symmetrical grind. Not sure why the kamisori type on it.

It's defective.
I can help out as I have a direct line to...er...King P himself. Send it my way and I'll take care of it. I'll make sure you get something 'comparable' if it can't be fixed (I'd be the house on it NOT being salvageable) .
I've now shaved with all 3 of these beauties. The Robuso is an extremely thin hollow and gave a wonderful shave. The Aiku has a bit stiffer grind but not by much and requires some touching up. The #14 Pelican was this mornings shave and I have no doubt that this is my favourite razor ever. The shorter blade makes it far more nimble and the stiff grind was surprisingly forgiving. The pelican also has the most weight behind it which was really enjoyable.

I'm finding that I really like the medium sized tangs best. I actually sold a NOS 6/8 friodur because I didn't like how thin and flimsy the tang felt. The covered tang of the robuso makes it wonderful to hold in my hands and the Aiku just comes up short compared to the other two on all accounts. That said it's still a top shaver, just not quite as good.
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