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I did it! It IS possible!

Kinda like how I HAD to have that bottle of the Veg sitting on the shelf at the local Bed Bath and Beyond. Everyone talks about how nasty it is, you have to experience it for yourself

I was smart enough to leave the Veg on the shelf at Merz.:lol: The dollar Williams costs might be worth the experiment.
Ok, so I'm no photographer, but this is a pic of some nice lather.
You might disagree and that's OK.
I got 2 passes, nice and clean. No weepers or nicks.
Scott0079 said:
I've never used Williams and I hate it just because of the debate that ensues when it is mentioned.

I like it because of the debate :lol:

+1! All the anti-Williams flack makes it more fun to use! Seraphim, Michiganlover, and the others are performing a valuable public service: by opposing Williams, they encourage its use! :thumbup:
I guess if you got two comfortable passes out of it, it was lather enough for your shave and worked for you.

However, I agree with Michiganlover: that looks exactly like the crappy lather I get with Williams, and I wouldn't even consider putting that on my face and shaving it off.
Thanks to the power of the G5 scuttle and years of experience making lather, I have successfully made nice lather with Williams.
I had a great shave, and will put it in my rotation.

Miracles do happen, Williams can be used to make good lather.

I went back and tried williams again. When I first started my WS escapades I used williams and couldn't get anything out of it. When I did it this time around I get plenty of thick lather for 3 passes by working up some soap off the puck then transferring to a big shave bowl. Worked like a charm, and will always use it when feelin' ol' school!!
I do disagree. :lol::lol:

That lather looks very bubbly, and airy to me.

In my opinion, that is unacceptable lather, and unfit to use. :laugh:

this right here took me no longer than 45 secs once the brush hit the puck.:thumbup: just held the puck in my hand then worked it up in my bowl. peace y'all!
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I would agree that the lather looks light. You need to work Williams harder and with more water than most soaps. If I wasn't so lazy, I could show how Williams makes a comparable dense lather to that of Tabac or Harris. (I'm not suggesting it is going to replace my Harris Lavender.) Besides, there are 200 other posts that re-play the argument. :lol:

There is no doubt that Williams requires slightly more time/effort to lather than say putting a big dollop of Castle Forbes on one's brush and instantly watch the lather explode. As directed, I always use a shaving mug with Williams... never have face lathered.

I own (or have tried) most of the soaps regularly discussed on the forum. IMO, a proper Williams lather ranks up there with any soap available.
hey, it worked for me!
No it's not thick lather. That is true.
But it was nice and slick.

This is what I find with Williams. But there is a big difference between the Williams and every other soap and cream in my den (except Lightfoot's Pure Pine), and it is why Williams gets used only once a week or every other week now. Some other pretty cheap stuff gets you much more cushion as well as slickness.
Y'know, I once thought I had a great shave, but then I came here to the forums, and found out I was doing it all wrong.

Now, before I decide that I've actually had a great shave, I come here, present it for review from the most strident detractors of the hardware I've used, and by golly, most of the time what I thought was a great shave turns out to be a hopeless quagmire of nicks, weepers, missed spots and general shaving nastiness. What a fool I was for being happy, when all the time I was a miserable wretch.

My advice, when using a wet shaving product that you enjoy, is to apply zero peer pressure...:001_rolle
Y'know, I once thought I had a great shave, but then I came here to the forums, and found out I was doing it all wrong.

Now, before I decide that I've actually had a great shave, I come here, present it for review from the most strident detractors of the hardware I've used, and by golly, most of the time what I thought was a great shave turns out to be a hopeless quagmire of nicks, weepers, missed spots and general shaving nastiness. What a fool I was for being happy, when all the time I was a miserable wretch.

My advice, when using a wet shaving product that you enjoy, is to apply zero peer pressure...:001_rolle

Here here....and Williams is still great!!!:biggrin1:
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