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unbeatable shaves with a....hair mask?!

The goop in question is Avon's Planet Spa Mediterranean Olive Oil Conditioning Hair Mask. (Not really a cream, I know, but I wasn't sure where else to post this.)

Background: I have sensitive skin and wiry whiskers, so shooting for BBS is always somewhat of a risk. I rarely cut myself, but I may have red areas for 30-60 mins afterwards if I'm too aggressive - and it still requires that I shave slowly and carefully.

However, I learned a neat trick in the course of experimenting with some of the products my wife has lying around. I just smear some of this Avon hair mask on my beard in the shower after washing my face and hair, then I let it sit while washing the rest of me and toweling off (a total of maybe 5-10 mins. between application and shaving). Afterwards (with the goop still on my face), I pick up the Gillette DE and get the easiest, fastest, closest, most irritation-free shaves ever. If it starts to feel a little thick, I just splash some water on with my free hand. After rinsing thoroughly, applying aftershave is more option than necessity, since this stuff is so moisturizing. This is now my go-to method if I'm ever running late.

It's a little disheartening to think that this quick 'n easy shave beats anything I can produce with hot towels, high-end soaps and creams, brushes, etc. (since those are much more fun :biggrin: ), but I have to grudgingly recommend it highly - especially if you have wiry whiskers or are ever in a hurry in the morning. It is the ONLY method that consistently softens my whiskers enough to get the "hear the cutting without feeling it" phenomenon, and it does it in a hurry with zero fuss.

My wife was kind enough to check up on the stuff and found that it is available in the US. The formulation differs only very slightly from the European version I've been using, so I'm betting the effect is the same. I'm extremely curious to see what experiences others might have (had) with it.

One dumb question: what's a hair mask? Is it a hair conditioner?

That's really interesting the results you are getting from that.
I would describe it as slightly goopy, very slippery, and mild-smelling. Really slick stuff that takes a minute to rinse clean using only water.

So I asked SWMBO, who says "hair mask is stronger than a regular detangling conditioner. It's a deep conditioner".

There ya go. :biggrin:

After I posted, I gave it a shot as a preshave, since I hadn't tried that before. I let it sit ten minutes, then just rinsed it off before applying lather as usual, got the same great results from the shave.
I wonder if other hair masks work similarly? LOML uses something like this, but not this particular company...
I think I'll try it!
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