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Acquisitions for August 2010

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Belated B-day gift from my daughters,( :thumbup:) and I am proud to say they did very well at the antique mall. They are 14 and 16 and purchased what they could afford.

They didn't know exactly what they were looking for except that I always talk about sharpening stones and razors.

Look what they bought me. A 15/16 razor and a sharpening stone!




Antique Mall Birthday gift from my daughters = Priceless
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Just got back from the local junk, err, antique store.

X2 - 40's style Superspeed, user grade, some plating loss but fully usable
F4 - Flair tip Superspeed, 5 minutes with a toothbrush and scrubbing bubbles and it looks new.

Oh and I forgot to add the prices. $2.50 for each. (total was $5.46...)

I'm such a thief.
Scored last weekend in London....forgive me for the crappy pictures. They'll look better in an SOTD shot soon.

A matched pair of "Democrat" straight razors with MOP scales and heavily worked spines.


Second up is a ... well I don't even know what to call this. Used to have seven blades that snapped into the tang. Now it only has four blades, but is lovely despite the loss. Box needs a little work, however...


Second up is a ... well I don't even know what to call this. Used to have seven blades that snapped into the tang. Now it only has four blades, but is lovely despite the loss. Box needs a little work, however...


Wow, now that is an interesting set! Congratulations.
Found one of these at a garage sale yesterday. Got it for free with other purchases. Talk about a deal! Just got done filling it up with my Pinaud Virgin Island Bay Rum.
An aftershave haul from Japan!! My friend just got back. I now have MG5, Bravas and a back up bottle of Mandom:w00t:
Picked up a J.R. Torrey in great shape with the original case at the Flea Market for $20. I spent an hour or so cleaning and polishing and it looks great. The edge is good, but definitely needs a hone.

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Well, while I still didn't find the money I lost last week, I did bring a gold chain I found 2-3 years ago on the side of the road and sold it to a vendor at the flea market and made back the money I lost plus more. This was a good vendor because he paid me based on the value of the chain, not the "scrap" price. Found this week were the items below. There was a Volkswagen bottle of full of Avon which will go to my cousin-in-law who loves VW's, as well as a bottle shaped like a fishing reel. Two empty jars of Avon shaped like pipes and two actual pipes. A jar of Old Spice talcum powder and Old Spice spray cologne, both full. Shaving wise, I got a pair of small manual clippers with scissor like handles, and a shaving brush.

But the most interesting is the pill bottles. They are a large size, and if POGS were still popular, would be great for storing them. But I collect razors, so I noticed that the large size makes them perfect for carrying shaving brushes, even the large ones! You can also fit a razor in them if you squeeze the sides, and when you let go, the bottle "holds" the razor in place, it doesn't slide around, and the lid fits on just fine. Just flip it over and squeeze, and the razor slides out.
I found a few things I never heard of, Boyer ABC no brush shave cream and after shave lotion with a Woodbury after shave power gift set, Stag after shave, Land and Lake after shave Palmolive Talc and After shave lotion Gift set and Lorie gift set. They are nice collectables but I dont know anything about them


And yes, that there is a Semogue 2009 LE Boar limited edition #70/100
(Thanks to the generosity of another B&B Member who agreed to part with it.)

Pristine Gillette Fatboy and Slim

Gorgeous vintage butterscotch bottom brush.

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A handfull of Ever Ready brushes, a Century brush, and a Lord Sheffield Brush. $25 bucks total for all the brushes

An empty superspeed box (for the superspeed I have caseless at home)
A cased superspeed ($1.50)
A old puck of williams in box ($3.00)
A cased Aristocrat (razor and case in bad shape)
A Shaver Grade + Fatboy
A Good condition Strop for a Valet ($20 bucks for the Aristocrat, Fatboy, and Strop)
A Cased Tuckaway (had to find each piece in a bin, payed $8)
A NOS Tube of Williams Gold Brushless Cream
A NOS Tube of Gillette Lather Cream
3 packs of Durham Blades, 1 Curfit Blade Pack, 1 PAL Blade pack
2 Lord Sheffield Disposable DE Razors
An "Elastic Razor strap" Paddle Strop, not sure of maker yet

I think I did well!!
A thank you is in order for this wonderful pif/gift. So thank you John (Michigan Lover) thank you so very much. After a very rough six months this was a wonderful gesture of kindness. Just came in today=

-Gillette Tech Razor
-Small Omega Boar Brush
-2 packs Shark Super Chrome
-4 packs Red IPs.
-2oz sample of TOBS Lavender SC
-99% full tube of Derby Lemon SC
-New tube of C.O. Bigelow SC
-New Godrej Shave Round
-Puck of Williams (current formulation)

Ok so a funny story: I opened the mailbox today and a rush of lavender hit me like a brick wall, it was 115 outside today (Mississippi is very hot and humid). I saw a package in the back of the mailbox and knew exactly what it was. I was so excited I almost missed the wet spot on the box. The lavender hit me again. Got inside and opened it up. The TOBS Lavender SC had liquefied. Very little leaked out. But yea it was that hot outside. Put everything in the fridge to be safe and all is well.

John, thanks again
Been busy on Ebay.

Everready 1912 (I love these!)

Ball end Old Type

Heavy Tech in a case (Is it the right one?)
Belated B-day gift from my daughters,( :thumbup:) and I am proud to say they did very well at the antique mall. They are 14 and 16 and purchased what they could afford.

They didn't know exactly what they were looking for except that I always talk about sharpening stones and razors.

Look what they bought me. A 15/16 razor and a sharpening stone!




Antique Mall Birthday gift from my daughters = Priceless

A chopper and a coticule... lucky dog.
Another Ebay batch arrived today.

Early 1900s Pinaud bottle (for some Veg, I think), a Gem Micromatic, Gem Junior and a 30s vintage, Canadian Tech

Close-up of the Pinaud bottle

The Gem Junior

It cleaned up well!

The Heavy Tech

The Micromatic (a nice shaver, I tried it out)
Belated B-day gift from my daughters,( :thumbup:) and I am proud to say they did very well at the antique mall. They are 14 and 16 and purchased what they could afford.

They didn't know exactly what they were looking for except that I always talk about sharpening stones and razors.

Look what they bought me. A 15/16 razor and a sharpening stone!




Antique Mall Birthday gift from my daughters = Priceless
That is indeed a priceless gift :thumbup:
Lovely gals you've got!
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