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Why do I even bother?

Just spoke to my colleague who wants to try straight-shaving. I offered to lend him a razor but he said he's "just gonna get something off ebay for £20". Told him strongly that it almost certainly won't be shave-ready and that a straight's edge is a delicate and finnicky art to master but he wasn't interested as he was "only trying it" so didn't need a razor that was actually shave-ready. :confused1
Why do I even bother?
I'm expecting him to get back to me in a few weeks to say it just isn't for him.
One of my pet peaves in life is people who seek advice but do not heed it, a little different than this situation, but similar.
I am curious to read what his comments will be (besides cursing like mad about the burning feel in his face after a "shave" with a non-shave-ready blade).. :cursing:
Some people are unbelievable :a13:


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
This thread will be interesting and entertaining! :biggrin:

Please post the impressions of shave 1, a picture of his stuff (if you can sneak in the bathroom while he doesn't look) and maybe post-shaving on shave 1? :lol:


Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
I'd like to try parachuting. I picked up an old, Korean war era parachute at a yard sale for five bucks. I'll let you know how it works out.

There is a natural inclination to not want to spend a ton when you just want to try something out. I wonder how many folks who would have otherwise become long term fans think that wine, scotch, cigars, or whatever, is not for them because they had an unsatisfactory initial impression. It's one thing to have a bad meal and say "Indian food isn't for me," but it's another story altogether to cheap out when it comes to something that has the potential to harm.

If you want to offer any additional advice, I'd only suggest asking him if he really wants to put an improperly prepared blade to his throat.
I was raised, and am a firm believer that it is better to save up, and buy the best, than to purchase shoddy goods.

And as for food, I was also raised that if you don't like something, you just have not yet had it prepared properly. (the same could go for a straight razor too I suppose)

I still have not found a properly prepared brussels sprout.:bored:
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