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Had a funny shave related dream last night

So in this dream I'm walking through Target (somehow I know its Target but its just some huge store) My wife and I get separated in the store so Im all alone and bored wandering the store when I notice an end cap with an a sign for items on sale. I walk over and look at the sign and see what's on sale in that area when I see they sell Derby blades! Wow the hundred pack too! Im so excited I gotta run down the isle to pick up a box, when I notice the isle is taped off (like home depot) because they're working on that isle. I run to the next isle, same thing, and the next isle, same thing, I run around the corner and going to come in from the side, guy standing there with a fork lift, "sorry this area is closed right now" run around and going to sneek in from the back side of the isle, no dice! "I need something from this isle, when can I get in"? "Try coming back tomorrow" Arrggghhh the sale is over tomorrow, I have to let everyone know on B&B that they sell tubes of Proraso and Derby blades @ Target. My iPhone is not working, I run to a computer on a pole (I guess like the price check thingies?) but it wouldn't work (too funny I notice its running Windows and it pops up a blue screen of death before I even touch it) I go from computer to computer but each one fails somehow... I was feeling so desperate it was funny. One of the strangest dreams to get worked up about.
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