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What brand of soap do you own the most of?

Wow! I guess we know your favorite.

I was thinking about it and realized that if I added in the Barrister and Mann soaps I've finished over the past 3~4 years there wouldn't be enough room on that counter top. That's my second Leviathan, for instance, and there's Roam, Ferox, Seville, etc., all gone now. But near the top left is one I've held onto for maybe 4~5 years. They don't make their Vetiver, Heather, and Clary Sage any more, so I'm nursing the last bit of it for as long as I possibly can. It's one of the great soaps of all time, IMO, and wish they'd bring it back. I want to emphasize that I'm not shilling for the company, btw, just a bit of a fanatic. I think most here agree that it's an enormously fine product.

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