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Anyone here take multivitamins? Do they work, or a waste?

Back on topic, most physicians and nutritionist I know take a daily multivitamin. Mostly because few folks really have a truly balanced diet.

None of them waste money on bottles of X-million times the recommended daily dose of various vitamins. Just a simple daily multivitamin. Take your pick of brands.

I personally use the grocery store generic over 50 formula. Because I don't want no gummy bears.

It's true that the unused parts will be flushed from you body. But since many of us have idiosyncratic deficiencies whatever things we need in particular will be absorbed.

Like DE blades, it's only pennies per week. At least if you don't get wild about it.

But if you really want more energy during the day look at your sleep habits.
I do my best to eat a varied diet with an emphasis on low saturated fats, plenty of fruit and veg, combined with a fair amount of exercise and minimal processed foods. Supplements imo are totally unnecessary if you eat properly. They are expensive and you end up with some of the most costly urine in the world. (My fondness for beer sometimes gets in the way though.)
I've been taking vitamins off & on my whole life and never noticed a difference in how I feel. I'm currently in an "on" phase (50+ multi, coq10, D & krill), but can't remember why I started again. Vitamins I can do without; I find my tonics (gin) more helpful.
Vitamins I can do without; I find my tonics (gin) more helpful.

I'll wager you really could do without both. But absence of vitamins will probably affect your demeanor less than absence of tonics.

Mankind has had multivitamins approximately 70 years.

Tonics have been around far longer and are far more ingrained in our lifestyle.
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