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RazoRock Aftershave?

How do you guys feel about it? I see the soaps mentioned a lot, but not the aftershaves.

I really like the scent of Don Marco, so does the Girlfriend, so I am interested in how the Aftershave compares scent wise, and how it performs. Is the Milk a balm to pair with it? or use instead of?

What's your favorite Aftershave from RazoRock?
I can't speak for Don Marco, but I've been using One X this week and I love it. The scent is much stronger than the soap, feels real nice on the face. I use a moisturizer/balm after every splash, so I can't really comment on whether or not this is drying or not, but burn seems to be minimal for me. It's got a bit of menthol, but I don't think that's the norm for Razorock.

My favourite RR aftershave is the Evil Eye, though it's a much different formulation than their normal splashes. Simple, straight lime scent with an huge emphasis on healing properties/ingredients.
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Most of my aftershaves are RazoRock mainly because I like matching my AS to my soap. My favorite is Evil Eye as well. That formulation just feels so good.
Most of my aftershaves are RazoRock mainly because I like matching my AS to my soap. My favorite is Evil Eye as well. That formulation just feels so good.
Yeah its killer. I've got King Louis as well (the lavender version) and it's nice, but the lime scent really does it for me.
Evil Eye Lime is the best for me and I will continue to purchase it. I don't like their alcohol splashes (prefer witch hazel products) and the balms are too thick imo - I add water to mine before applying to my face. I get the balms for the scent only but I won't be purchasing anymore after this run is done.
My favorites so far have been King Louis, XX, The Freedburg ,Tight Buns, and Oktoberfest.

They all leave my face feeling refreshed post shave.
They are good. Match the soaps very well. I prefer Fine tho.

The Aftershave Waxes are amazing products tho, especially for a head shaver
I have tried evil eye,
Smell 10/10 (only complaint is it lasts about 30min and gone)
ingrediens 9/10
Effectiveness 5/10 (does not sooth skin after razor burn )
as long as you get a clean shave in with no irritation its fantastic.
I have the XXX aftershave milk, the evil eye aftershave wax, and the problem solver splash. The milks and the wax are awesome, among my favorite products.
I have read many good things about the Razorock aftershaves, however I have never been able to find detailed descriptions of the fragrances. I have looked at the Razorock webpage, and they do list all of their ingredients.

The traditional European companies seem to list the ingredients, and present detailed descriptions of their fragrances.

Is there a retailer that offers fragrance descriptions of Razorock aftershaves? I have looked at Italian Barber, Maggard, West Coast.
I have read many good things about the Razorock aftershaves, however I have never been able to find detailed descriptions of the fragrances. I have looked at the Razorock webpage, and they do list all of their ingredients.

The traditional European companies seem to list the ingredients, and present detailed descriptions of their fragrances.

Is there a retailer that offers fragrance descriptions of Razorock aftershaves? I have looked at Italian Barber, Maggard, West Coast.
Just ask a member or anyone who participated in razoroctober.
Or look to see if the same named soap has a scent description. I just looked on the Italian Barber site, and quite a few do have scent descriptions. Any in particular you want to know about. A bunch of them are clones of AdP or Creed scents.
Razorock XXX is based on Aqua Di Parma Colonia and is very close to the soap scent. I like the performance of the aftershave - it has a high alcohol content for that skin-tightening "sting". The scent sticks around too; I don't notice it after a while but my wife did when she got close to me 5 or 6 hours later.
I have two bottles of RazoRock Nonno Michelino...absolutely love it, but sadly I think they quit making it as it is nowhere to be found on the website. This is their sandalwood scent; at first I didn't care for it that much, smelled quite strong in the bottle and sort of like a sunscreen-type scent, but after applying it, I realized the scent is much more pleasant and fades nicely to still be noticeable, but subtle. Plus, the moisturizing properties are excellent and leave my skin feeling wonderful throughout the day.

I would love to try their other balms as well.
All Razorock A/S seem to perform pretty well. I just used Don Marco soap today and really loved the scent, I followed it up with Don Marco A/S, to me the scent is slightly off from the soap. I can't describe it other than maybe a slight chemical smell added to it, not bad, but not as pure as the soap smell. Otherwise it performed well and felt great.
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