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"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
Can you polish a nib easily with micro lapping sheets like those used on straight razors? If not, what is the best DIY procedure. Is this noob doable? I would only consider doing this on easily and cheaply replaced nibs, such as those for Lamy, TWSBI, etc.
Yes, you can use the Mylar sheets to smooth a nib. Just a caution, though. Most cases of rough or scratchy nibs are due to misalignment, not rough metal. Examine a nib very closely under magnification (10X is good) to make sure that one tine isn't higher than the other. Trying to polish down a misaligned nib can seriously damage it. If you do polish, take it very slow, test often, and don't use anything too coarse. A few strokes on a 12K sheet may be all that's needed.

Brian Gray of Edison Pens has an excellent online seminar/tutorial on Nib Tuning and Smoothing. It's long, but very thorough and comprehensive.
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Less is better. You can't put metal back on the nib. Slow and steady with lots of testing. I also think it's best to work on something softer than a countertop to provide a little "give". That will make a smoother result. I now use micromesh sheets that are foam backed, but with sheets I'd use something like the cardboard back of a notepad.
I'll stress it again, go very slow, I've ruined nibs. If it's a special pen, consider sending it out. Lamy Safari? Go for it, you can buy replacements inexpensively.


Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
I recommend leaving it to the professionals. Seriously ... especially the nice ones.

If you do, you should always disclose that fact when you sell. I've bought a few used pens with massacred nibs. :cursing:


"Can't Raise an Eyebrow"
As mentioned above, I'd only try it on cheap and easily replaced nibs, if at all.
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