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B&B Gear Wiki Page, All The Essentials and Limited Editions in One Place

So The stewards have been hard at work digging up old threads and re writing the wiki page to put everything we have made over the years in one really wiki place. There is a couple of things we were unable to find so bonus points to the members who can help locate the launch thread for QEDMan shave stick, and the B&B Coffee mug launch thread

But for all the members who have wondered what has B&B put out over the years we have it all in place here

check it out and let us know what you think

Us stewards swear that as long as we so shall live, and remember to, we will always keep the page up to date for generations to come
Oh I forgot to add,... the wiki, has pictures of all the products as well. cause whats a good thread or page without pictures, and not only does it have pictures, it has pictures of every item.

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