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Clash of Clans

Im loaded up with elixir at the moment with a shield running out in 1 1/2hrs . trying to buy the spell factory before I get attacked.
I guess my only tip would be that doing most, if not all upgrades before moving to the next TH lvl is ideal. People don't seem to realize that the higher your townhall, the less percentage of a person's loot you can raid. Especially goes for when you drop trophies to try to pick on some of the lower levels that have high amounts of loot built up.
How come everyone stopped talking about CoC? I just started last week, and hurried to TH5. I'm attempting to adopt the "rushing" strategy, where I only max out storage and armies at each TH before advancing. It requires a LOT of attacking, but not necessarily winning. It's beneficial to lose a little to stay in the back of the pack in the trophy hunt. I'll post a screenshot of my village after my phone finishes it's nandroid backup. I wish I would've started playing this game sooner. I bought a Google Play giftcard to get my 3rd builder, and I'll probably do 2 more. Why not support something that I enjoy, is my opinion. Kinda like B&B... right?
Update on my base.



Needs milk and a bidet!
Staff member
I quit playing several months ago. It just takes way to long to collect resources and upgrade stuff. It started to annoy me so I deleted it.
I am at TH level 7, been playing since october. Just unlocked Dragons this weekend so I have been having fun trying to use them in my attacks. Had an easy 3 star in my clan war attack with them.
Some great bases here!!
Been playing on and off for a while, been on TH8 for a quite a while, trying to max everything before going to TH9
Current base
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