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Is boiling a razor safe?

When I first bought my Weber a week ago, put a metal pot on the stove, heated it up to boiling, and put my razor and the blade in it for about 10 minutes.

My Weber is stainless steel.

Now, I saw this:

Immerse the razor in near-boiling water. Boiling on a stove may cause damage.

Over here http://wiki.badgerandblade.com/Safety_razor_maintenance.

I boiled on a stove. What type of damage may it have caused? It's stainless steel, it should be able to take some heat, right? And what's the difference between "immersing the razor in near-boiling water" and "boiling on a stove"? Was it only supposed to be near-boiling, or was it supposed to not be touching the stove?

Either way, this shouldn't cause any permanent damage to my Weber, should it?

And what should I do next time? Should I leave it in isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes, to prevent this potential damage?
Here's the problem. Boiling it on the stove exposes the razor to direct contact with the heating element. It's not so much the temp of the water but pot/electric/gas that the razor is in contact with. There is absolutely no need to boil a razor.NONE.
Water temp from your faucet with gentle dish soap, light scrubbing with toothbrush and a quick swirl in alcohol is sufficient. A pic would also help. Not sure by your description if it's damaged. But in the future remember gentle is the key. Hit water, dish soap, scrub, alcohol then rinse.
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There is really no need to boil a razor. If you must, the best thing to do is bring the water to a rolling boil. Once it reaches that point, remove it from the heat, place the razor in the heated water and leave it set for 5 minutes. The water is sufficiently heated at that point to kill whatever may be on the razor.

I wonder if everyone were to consider how many times metal utensils at a restaurant are used on a daily basis, namely, fork, spoons and knives. How many of those items are placed into many different mouths over a course of a day and how many of those same mouths have cold sores, canker sores, open wounds (because I'm certain, we've all inadvertently bit our tongue or cheek before), etc? Those utensils go into a dishwasher in which the temperature has to be over 180 deg F to effectively clean and sterilize the utensil for the next customer. Once run through the washer, they are handled by the waitstaff, sorted and placed into a plastic container or wrapped into a napkin, etc.

I think there is a certain phobia associated with razors and sterilization. Scrubbing bubbles, Barbicide, ultrasonic cleaners, hot water is more than enough to get rid of pathogens on a razor.

There is no need to boil a razor.
Agree with the above post--there is absolutely NO reason to ever boil a razor. What were your reasons for doing this?

If to disinfect, it's entirely unnecessary, since the only thing that could possibly cause an infection is the blade itself, and cooties can't live for more than a few minutes on steel that's dry. If you must, a dunk or spritz of isopropyl alcohol will do just fine.

Next time, ASK B&B FIRST. While your razor will probably be fine since it's a 3 piece SS razor, you could have easily and quickly ruined an expensive tool needlessly.
Should I leave it in isopropyl alcohol for 10 minutes, to prevent this potential damage?

I would just dunk the entire razor and let it dry. There's no need to soak it for 5, 10, 30 minutes or overnight.

This is what happens when you soak razors in stuff that you're not supposed to for too long.

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I agree with others above that there is no need to boil a razor. Since yours is stainless steel it should be fine, but if it was a plated razor, it may not have turned out so well.
I prefer mine grilled with a light pink hue in the middle.

Sorry I couldn't resist.

Baking soda, hot water, old toothbrush. Works for me.


Needs milk and a bidet!
I bring water to a boil then dump the boiling water over the razor that is coated with dish soap, and let it soak until the water is cool enough for me to grab the razor out. toothpaste and toothbrush scrub, rinse, dry, shave.
i just boil a kettle and pour the boiled water in a pyrex jug, if its gunked up a couple of tablespoons of baking soda in the jug does the job, i would not do this with gold plated or plastc handled razors.
If you want to disinfect a razor that you had perhaps picked up used. I would recommend barbicide after a gentle cleaning. It wil not damage most plating (vintage plating could possibly be damaged). Is available at most beauty supplies stores.

Even though a razor is stainless it does not mean that you can boil it without damage/discoloration to the finish. There are different grades of stainless and any excessive heat can cause the metal to discolor. Any sudden changes in tempature can cause any metal to warp.
I disinfect at 370 Kelvin in a solution of pH 4.2 while applying a voltage of no more than 2000KV.

370 Kelvin and 4.2 pH; that's not disinfecting. That's putting the razor in a cup of warm (but not boiling) solution that's closer to water's acidity than it is to lemon juice's.

Hehe, that 2000 kV thing is just excessive.
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