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First off, Greetings from Manila!

Dunno why I did that, just felt I should tell you outright where I'm from for context.

Recently got into DE shaving, I have a Gillette Super Click (Rubie Click here) with Dorco blades which, despite being as entry level as you can get, shaves better than my Mach3 or Schick Quattro. Of course, I figured that it's time for an upgrade and I was wondering if you good folks can help me.

Given the unavailability of decent shaving products in my country, I've decided to go online, not just for a starter kit, but one that I can at least keep for a couple of years. So far I'm looking at this three right here:

Option 1: http://www.italianbarber.com/wet-shaving-starter-kit-with-ej89-and-proraso-balm

Option 2: http://www.italianbarber.com/ultimate-wet-shaving-starter-kit

Now, I've done some research and Option 1 seems to have the better razor, the question is how much better? Option 2 gives more "stuff" particularly 3 kinds of blades which from what I read in reddit/r/wicked_edge is always a step in the right direction. Budget is $70-75.

So I'd figure I should ask around first before committing to either kit. Any help would be appreciated.

Welcome to B&B, both are great sets from what I can see... unless the other guys have much to say I would flip a coin. Just before it is going to land you will know which one you want more.
Thanks guys!

This being a one-time, big-time purchase, I'm a bit wary about jumping the gun. So you'll forgive me if I ask too many questions and consider too many options.

I take it the drop off from the EJ DE89 to the Feather Popular isn't that significant?
Welcome aboard,

Unfortunately this seems like it will come down to your personal preference. I have the Mhüle version of the EJ DE89 that you are looking at and I love it, but YMMV as they say in these here parts. It seems as though both of these are going to give you the possibility of a great shave so I can only suggest that you pick the one that you feel will best serve your needs.

Either way, good luck and let us know how you get on once your purchase arrives.
If you're dead set going with either of the two only, then go for numero uno and add a 100 gram jar of Proraso pre shave

I'm a total believer in Proraso shave soap, their pre shave cream (no matter which soap I follow with, both under a barber towel...) and yes, the 1st razor would be my defualt razor too but....

Just to throw a monkey wrench into your plans...another way for you to go would be to buy the soap (Proraso), their pre shave cream, and the fabulous Omega #48 new, then instead of buying the DE razor new, think about buying a vintage DE Gillette from the BST (buy sell trade fourm here) http://badgerandblade.com/vb/forumdisplay.php/11-Shaving-Mall-Buy-Sell-Trade ...tech or a superspeed would make a good first razor...

Again, just a thought....plenty of members here that will sell you a good quality vintage DE razor for about $15 shipped to your locale, maybe $20 tops...then you could buy the rest ala carte, including a bottle of proraso A/S splash and some razor blades (sampler)

I have an idea if you bought a vintage DE razor from one of the members here they would throw in a sampler of razor blades for a few extra dollars

I highly reccomend Joseph from Canada (Italian Barber) but you could also buy the proraso products from thesuperiorshave.com getting only the items you need with shipping included in the price structure for each item http://www.thesuperiorshave.com/

If you want to buy all of your kit new from one source, I can understand and relate (BTDT)...but if you think you might consider adding a little more uniqueness to putting together your first kit along with some vintage flavor, be it far from me to keep you from thinking otherwise

Once you get a handle on which blade(s) you like to use...this intnl vendor offers killer prices on razor blades you wont find elsewhere http://shop.bestshave.net/orginal-boxed-blades-c-13.html & his service is top notch

When I was shaving regularly with de's, rapira was my blade of choice, although I liked and used Derby's & several others

for the record...I prefer using shave soap vs. shaving cream for my lather, & never (hardly ever, I do have a scuttle that sees blue moon use) do a lather in a bowl, unless I want a warm shaving lather then the scuttle comes out and I'll build the lather using a cream (in the scuttle). To each his own but I find face lathering soap the best option for me...builds the best quickest.

One more thing...the Omega 48 boar brush works exceedingly well w/Proraso shave soap. others may have better and different ideas


Reddick Fla.
Welcome to B&B.

First, you have picked a good vendor to go with and the deals he is offering on either one is great. I have not used either razor so I can't offer any opinions from personal observation. However, from reading threads and posts the EJ is highly regarded as a first razor.
If you want the razor that comes with option 1 you could add a pack of feathers and a tub of the classic shave soap. Or you could email Italian Barber and he might be able to swap out the Feather Popular with the EJ DE89 razor for the price difference. Please note that I have not done this but most vendors are happy to work with you to some extent.
Gents, I have taken the plunge and ordered option 1. Will let you know how it goes! Thank you all for the welcome and the replies!
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