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tie the tie

Thought it would add something here: you'll know you've tied your tie to the correct length when the bottom tip of the tie just touches the top of your belt buckle ;)


I was taught that the tip of the tie is supposed to touch the bottom of the buckle? Not saying I am right, that is just what I was told before...


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member

IMO, the tie in the photo would work, IF it were pulled tighter and had a nice dimple in the middle, and snugged up to the collar. To me, the way it is, looks sloppy.

By the way, looks like his Mom tied it. Ugh! Needs to be tightened, centered, dimpled.

I am a full windsor man myself and that picture IS a terrible representation of what a full windsor should look like.

+1 to the critique of the knot.

More like this ...




Him "... well, technically, any knot that I tie is a Windsor knot."
Her "... Oh Wills, you're so witty."

I was taught that the tip of the tie is supposed to touch the bottom of the buckle? Not saying I am right, that is just what I was told before...

Like this:


Not like this ...


or this ...


Of course, 3-piece suit, it doesn't matter ...


and in olden days, the ties used to be much shorter (and guys almost always kept their jackets on, and buttoned.)


And please ... ignore the hipsters.
I think I agree with D4 on what the tip of a tie should line up with. I have heard the rule stated "the tip of the tie should fall between the top and bottom of the belt buckle." And I suppose it may not be "incorrect" for the tip of a tie to end up right at the top of the belt buckle. (In 2012, it certainly should not end up above the belt buckle.)

But it looks inelegant to me to have a tie that just barely reaches the belt. To have the tip of the tie should be at or just below the bottom of the belt buckle, and I think that is absolutely "correct." Actually I am not sure it is where the tip lands that makes a difference. What looks best to me, I think, is for the widest part of the tie to land right about at the top of the trousers, maybe a little higher, so that the tie is tapering in quickly as it goes across the belt. Definitely not trying to have a lot of shirt showing around the triangular tip of the tie at the belt line, much less have shirt show below the very tip of the tie.

I suppose I admit, too, that wherever the tip of the tie starts off in a given day the tie is going to tend to get "shorter" over the day, at least if you are built like I am. Nothing like getting a look at a passing reflection of yourself at some business soiree and noticing that there seems to be a lot of shirt between you tie tip and belt top! In other words, I would tend to err toward too long first thing in the morning rather than too short.

Of course, a good idea to have a look at yourself in a mirror and straighten up before that cocktail reception!


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
One thing to remember ... posture affects tie length.

So ... line up your tie end with a good, erect posture, not with a concave chest.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
That is interesting. As a child I was always taught that the tie end should rest at the top of the belt. Well, that would definitely explain all the odd looks...yeah thats it :).

Bowties forever!!!
I love the 3 piece but I will be wearing my charcoal suit with no vest. I tried a few different knots and all still were a little short for my liking but still looks very good. I do agree the tie looks sloppy but it gave the best insight as to the knot I was attempting. I do enjoy a nice bow tie but never have worn one I will be looking into this I think next formal occasion.

Thanks everybody for the reassurance on the full windsor.


B&B Tease-in-Residence
This kinda looks goofy, but at the same time, it looks very neat. I found it while surfing Reddit

One more passing thought. I wonder if one is wearing a super thin tie as in D4's hipster photo, it might not be better than the tie did not reach the belt.

I do not think I am likely to wear at tie that thin, so the question is probably moot for me, but I am not opposed to thin ties in general. Just a thought.
I don't wear ties anymore, but I could never not go full Windsor. I like my knots big and symmetry is not optional. Non-symmetrical knots are like fingers on a chalkboard to me.
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