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Lime Creams Shootout

While I am really still a newb when it comes to DE shaving, I decided that while I like the KMF Unscented that I have been using it was time to try a little bit of some of the more "upscale" creams out there. So when it comes to scents, I do love lime and as it is starting to get into the hot season here in DC I thought it was a great choice for this time of year.

The Challengers

Castle Forbes Lime
Taylor of Bond St. Lemon & Lime
Truefitt & Hill West Indian Limes
Trumper Lime

(all purchased via a sampler set from TheShaveDenShop.com)

I am very excited to see how these perform and will be reporting back my findings. I will be using '66 Slim Adjustable set at 5. I haven't settled on a blade yet as I have been working through my sampler pack but I will keep the blade the same when trying all the creams. I also got TOBS Eaton College and T&H 1805 in my sampler set and am excited to give those a shot. Really I am just hoping to find a good smelling cream that lathers well and somewhat easily but most importantly has some "glide" to it. While the KMF is good at lathering I find it to not be a slick as I would like and my razor's head sometimes catches/skips. Mind you this isn't a blade thing, I can tell when my technique is bad. This is actually the large metal surface part of the top of my SA grabbing my face vs sliding along.

I will report back soon. Should take about 5 days to get my samples then the test can begin!


Dirty Donuts are so Good.
Since you said you are using KMF unscented, have you considered KMF Key Limes? It has an awesome lime scent. If you want it to be slicker, I like to load my brush first on a Col Conk's Lime Glycerin puck. Then super lather it with a squirt of KMF Key Lime. Very slick and tons of lather. I then finish off the shave with some vintage Shulton Old Spice Lime. Nice and limey. :)
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Ya gotta throw a tube of Godrey Lime in the mix. A little lower end than your picks but excellent stuff!

godrej and old spice are great,but if you like a more potent lime scent,and a really wonderful lather,the LIDER is tops...


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You may be able to get KMF more slick by adding some more water to the lather.

of a couple drops of drug store glycerine...or in my case, a couple drops of Lime Skin Food (it works wonders as an ubber lather product)
Wow seams there are so many more Lime scents than I even knew about. I think I already found my challengers for Round 2 of the Lime Cream Shootout. Thanks for all the input everyone. As usually this place is just awesome for getting great info.
You may be able to get KMF more slick by adding some more water to the lather.

I have tried slowly adding water, checking the slickness after each addition until the lather rinally breaks down from too much water and it just still isn't slick enough for my taste. After reading a ton of threads here, at this point I am not sure any cream will get what I am looking for and may have to move to soap or glycerin additions or just go outright to soaps. Before coming to wet shaving I was using Neutrogena non-lathering cream for my cartridge shave and that stuff if pretty slippery.
Not trying to be a jerk here, but shootouts like these really should be done with the full product, not samples. Stuff like Castle Forbes needs to be loaded like a soap as it's very concentrated and doesn't break up well if you try to take a chunk out in plop it in a bowl or rub it on your brush.

That said, this is your thread, so have at it.
Not trying to be a jerk here, but shootouts like these really should be done with the full product, not samples. Stuff like Castle Forbes needs to be loaded like a soap as it's very concentrated and doesn't break up well if you try to take a chunk out in plop it in a bowl or rub it on your brush.

That said, this is your thread, so have at it.

I agree on the CF, but if you take a bowl and smear out your sample over a good 3 inch circular area to give a good surface area to load from you can get a good representation of the performance. If you just take a snurdle of cream, however, and plop it in a bowl like you might be able to do with a softer or more concentrated cream, you will be mighty displeased with the results. Same goes for trying MWF soap from a sample. You aren't going to get decent loading of the product, unless you squeeze the sample into a ball and apply the MWF like a shave stick, then you'll get a terrific lather from it.
This holds true to some extent with pretty much any soap, and many creams.
Not trying to be a jerk here, but shootouts like these really should be done with the full product, not samples. Stuff like Castle Forbes needs to be loaded like a soap as it's very concentrated and doesn't break up well if you try to take a chunk out in plop it in a bowl or rub it on your brush.

That said, this is your thread, so have at it.

I appreciate your perspective but as I said in the original post I really am interested finding good smelling creams that perform well and in that order. Before I spend a fortune I want to know the smell is to my liking. I would be happy to try the challenge with full size containers as you suggest so let me know when you will be sending me all the creams or would you rather just send me the money via PayPal? :)
I agree on the CF, but if you take a bowl and smear out your sample over a good 3 inch circular area to give a good surface area to load from you can get a good representation of the performance. If you just take a snurdle of cream, however, and plop it in a bowl like you might be able to do with a softer or more concentrated cream, you will be mighty displeased with the results. Same goes for trying MWF soap from a sample. You aren't going to get decent loading of the product, unless you squeeze the sample into a ball and apply the MWF like a shave stick, then you'll get a terrific lather from it.
This holds true to some extent with pretty much any soap, and many creams.

Thanks for the info. When provided with solutions, criticism is always more valuable to me so thank you for taking the time to help. I knew the folks here wouldn't let me down.
+1 for KMF lime, when i lather it i use a slightly larger amount than the standard almond size for an amazing lather.
I appreciate your perspective but as I said in the original post I really am interested finding good smelling creams that perform well and in that order. Before I spend a fortune I want to know the smell is to my liking. I would be happy to try the challenge with full size containers as you suggest so let me know when you will be sending me all the creams or would you rather just send me the money via PayPal? :)

Like I said, this is your thread, so do what you want. As far as "putting my money where my mouth is", I actually did three different shootouts not so long ago where I bought the full product for testing with my own hard earned money, took a bunch of pics and posted my thoughts for each shave.

I never said you had to do the same, I was only trying to point out that some products do not do well as small samples.

I do agree that following BK's advice for the CF sample, while maybe not as nice is as having a full jar, is likely to yield the best results you might be able to get out of a sample.
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