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Brush Chronicle #12 Morris & Forndran

Morris & Forndran

Where do I start?

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Its abundantly clear I really should start with investing in a light box, learn how to centralise pictures in my posts (hey I just figured this out - yay!) and beg David for as many tips as he's will to share on photography. Please join me in congratulating David on his artful compositions and perfect control of lighting. And please be patient with me as I struggle through this endeavour.

My next issue is deciding what brush to use. The picture above represents a sample of my M&F holding and evidently I have a few to choose from. So if there is a particular size of knot or shape of handle please feel free to post or PM your request. I also have quite the stock pile of soaps and creams, so if there are any requests in this department or suggestions for hardware/software combinations, I'd be happy to oblige.

Apart from being afflicted with MF-SBAD, I have 3 young children and an equally demanding (but incredibly beautiful) wife. I also have a job where my "clients" aren't mindful of holidays, family commitments or promises to chronicle M&F brushes and hence I ended up working the majority of the Easter break. I did shave this morning, but having had only a few hours sleep and the need to be speedy as I was required back at work post haste (yes my wife dislikes my job even more than my all consuming passion for pogonotomy) I didn't have the time to record the event for this chronicle as I had originally intended to do, but I promise action pics very soon!

My shave this morning needed to expedient and effective. I made my selection from some previously identified reliable performers and I wasn't let down. No time to bowl lather and I chose the convenience of a shower shave (as for me this reduces not only prep, but my entire shave time).

I chose a Merkur 1904 and loaded a Gillette 7 o'clock yellow (first time I'd used this blade). My favourite soap, Martin De Candre (in the supplied open wooden bowl) joined me and I decided on this M&F brush...

This particular M&F brush reminds me of my Simpson Eagle G3 in Best, mostly due to it's handle shape, but also in terms of performance (as both brushes seem to enjoy the task of devouring hard soaps). It's a great face latherer and the handle feels secure in the hand which is important in the shower. The knot in this brush has opened more than some of my other 2 band blonde badgers, but my account for this is primarily that it rates among my favoured brushes and hence sees more use than others. The knot is not as densely packed as other M&F brushes in my collection, but the result is improved flow through and much of the backbone associated with the 2 band blonde badger endures. The tips provide some sensation on the face, but are not scratchy. I find this brush marvellously enjoyable to use and most reliable for producing quick results.

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Time for some stats...

Knot width: 20mm
Kont height: 44mm
Handle height: 50mm
Total height: 94mm
Handle Material: Imitation horn
Acquired: 2011​


You really have done a tremendous service for all of B&B in this thread, aside from chronicling the M&F's.

You published a picture of a "sample" of your M&F holdings, in which I count about 30 brushes (I also know that M&F's aren't your only holdings).

Forevermore, whenever the heat is on with our SWMBO's regarding our excessive self-indulgence and implicit social (not to mention familial) irresponsibility, we shall all be able to smugly hold up your photo so that they may appreciate that it's all relative and that we are in fact at worst (or best, depending on your perspective) middle-of-the-road in our affliction.

Notwithstanding my overiding spiteful, jealous bitterness towards you, I am also eternally, albeit grudgingly, grateful.

Thank you.
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Bring on the Beehive!

agree, I want to see the beehive!

I third the beehive...

Beehive it is then!

Ben, how the hell do you choose a brush when you shave?

It's tough, but a daily dilemma I'm willing to endure. I tend to just stick my hand in the cabinet with my eyes closed and enjoy the surprise of what comes out!

Where do you buy these brushes?

+1 Where DO you buy these brushes?

As Beginish said, direct from Lee Sabini. I'm waiting for his permission before posting further contact information for him (up until this point his email has been distributed via PM).

Here's my 27/48 Blonde Badger in horn (guessing imitation).I just noticed a crack in the handle above the second ridge.

It looks like real horn to me and real horn is much more likely to crack (especially if exposed to higher temperatures like in Australia - one of my horn handles has also cracked recently and I noticed it after we has a series of exceptionally hot days). I spoke to Lee about mine and he suggested super glue (I think primarily to stop moisture getting inside the crack and causing further damage). I haven't tried it yet, but the brush has been retired until I do.

Forevermore, whenever the heat is on with our SWMBO's regarding our excessive self-indulgence and implicit social (not to mention familial) irresponsibility, we shall all be able to smugly hold up your photo so that they may appreciate that it's all relative and that we are in fact at worst (or best, depending on your perspective) middle-of-the-road in our affliction.

I am more than happy to be your irresponsible and over indulged poster boy for the purpose of placating SWMBO when attempting to justify your own shaving related acquisition disorders!


Congratulations to David for keeping the momentum of this thread moving forward and thank-you to all for participating and sharing.
Please excuse my absence from this thread (and B&B) over the last few days, I've had work commitments that have exceeded my ability to contribute as regularly as I had initially intended. I've been putting in some rather long hours at work, but things are winding down for the weekend (at my insistence! Further, the mobile is on silent and I won't be taking any recalls to work!). Family has to come first, but I will endeavour to make some additions over the next few days. I've got my work cut out, David's skill with the camera is unsurpassed!
Excellent post David! my last M & F 30x48 Fan :love-struck:

I hope that things settle down for you over the weekend, Ben. Thanks for checking in.

Thank you Luis for that beautiful photo- it is certainly a lovely looking brush! I can see that you enjoy it and I would love to hear a few more of your thoughts when you have time.

I have been asked back-channel about my thoughts in comparing a Simpson's Chubby2 in 2-Band with a similar M&F brush. After having owned and used both for a while, I am of the opinion that if I were looking to purchase just one of the two, my choice would be the Chubby2. A close call and things may change with time but that is the way I feel at the moment.
Hi there,

here my current masterpieces from Lee :

Front :


Both genuine horn, the left is stuffed with Rooney Heritage type hair (03/2012). The right one is Lee's blonde badger (10/2011).
Both about 24 mm at the base of the knot. The Heritage type hair has softer tips than the standard type hair but comparable backbone. Both are just marvellous brushes.
I like the darker horn handle! Is it black or just really dark brown?

Hi there,

here my current masterpieces from Lee :

Front :
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Both genuine horn, the left is stuffed with Rooney Heritage type hair (03/2012). The right one is Lee's blonde badger (10/2011).
Both about 24 mm at the base of the knot. The Heritage type hair has softer tips than the standard type hair but comparable backbone. Both are just marvellous brushes.
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System Generated
here is my one and only M&F brush. it's been in the M&F thread, but thought i'd post it here too

it's a 24/50 (by my calipers), 2 Band, Blonde Badger, Butterscotch L7. and it's a beauty to look at and a pleasure to use.

i like it so much, i have an email in to Lee for another M&F brush.


M&F Beehive

By popular demand, I present the M&F Beehive.
The handle material, coined by the maker (Lee Sabini) as "starburst" adds an extra "je ne sais quoi!"

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$Screen Shot 2012-04-14 at 6.20.47 PM.jpg

Handle: 46mm
Knot: 20 x 46mm

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M&F Beehive (continued)

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I little soak time...

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A few strokes across a puck of Cella...

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A little bowl time...

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M&F Beehive (continued)

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A little assistance from my little assistant!
(Thanks to my son, Liam for testing the lather!)

$Screen Shot 2012-04-14 at 6.12.16 PM.jpg

The Beehive happens to be one of my favourite brushes.
Aesthetically, it's a gorgeous brush.
Ergonomically, it's fantastic grip is both comfortable and secure in the hand.
The 2 band blonde badger knot is the icing on the cake!
Soft tips, with just a enough sensation.
Plenty of backbone, yet a satisfying bloom.
Dense and hogs a little lather, but not too much.

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This one is for "The Don" who informs me he's partial to a "little Butterscotch"...

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I love Butterscotch too!
This is the smallest of a set of 3 Lee made for me last year.

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Dimensions as requested:
Handle: 41mm
Knot: 22 x 44mm

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Morris & Fonrdran... "A Love Story"

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I love my M&F Emillion!

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It's a big softy!
(Feels nice doesn't it Woody?)

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Handle: 71mm
Knot: 30 x 55mm


Jump on board the M&F train!

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Imitation wood.
Handle: 48mm
Knot: 28 x52mm

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Imitation ivory.

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Wood and silver.
Handle: 48mm
Knot: 23 x 50mm

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Will the real M&F please stand up...

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Imitation wood versus real...

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I can't decide which looks better...

There is nothing better than having the real deal.
Genuine woods, metals, stone etc have a textual and visual appeal that just can't be surpassed.
That said the imitation materials used by Lee look fantastic and have the added convenience of far less maintenance concerns or risk of damage.

I can't decide which is better!

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