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Breaking in a pair of dress shoes.

I'm looking to buy this pair of Bostonian, specifically the Akron Black Oxfords. My size fits well, but it is just a little snug on the sides, and there isn't a size wider. So I want to know that 1.) Will these shoes actually break in? (Sounds like a stupid question, but I never thought about this ever) and 2.) If they do break in, will the leather become a little wider to accommodate my feet? My sister says that when they do break in, the leather shrink, but I think she is messing with me.

Advice gents?

Your sister is messing with you. Leather stretches. I bought a new dress belt a couple of weeks back, a size larger larger than my daily wear. When I compared the lengths, the old 34 was as long as the new 36. I'm afraid the 34 grew with me. So you should be ok with the shoes. Leather will stretch and conform to your foot pretty quickly, as long as these are really "just a little snug." If your foot is an E width and you're trying to jam them into a "B' or "C," I'm not sure they'll ever feel great, though. Any possibility that the "snugness" you feel might just be the stiffness of the new leather? I find brand new shoes a bit uncomfortable. But after a couple of wearings, they're just right.
They should, and will, stretch when they break in, and they will break in. The question is whether they break in enough? That depends on how snug they are on you. Are they snug, or are they uncomfortable? I just bought a pair of shoes from Allen Edmonds and the manager at the store said that you should "feel" the shoe on your feet; otherwise they're too big. And when I bought the shoes I thought at first they were too snug, but that was in October, and I'm wearing right now and I wouldn't change them for any other shoes.

If they're uncomfortable, there's little chance that they will stretch enough to break in nicely. If they're just too snug, then they probably will. You can also get some leather conditioner (like Lexol or other great products mentioned in the Haberdashery) because that will help loosen up the leather. As well, polish will help, and shoe trees of course. Additionally the fact that they are bluchers will alleviate some tightness as you can tie the shoes looser initially and tighter as they break in (unlike balmorals).
Agree totally with my19. Dress shoes are hell to break in. I get the worst blisters for the first week every time I get a new pair. But they're great after that. The leather is pretty good at adjusting to your feet after wear and use. Just be patient and give it time.
Let me clarify, my feet width are size D. I tried the Bostonian shoe in one width greater and it was too wide. What I mean by snug is that I can move my toes to some extent, but I cant stretch them out. It sort of feels like the shoe is hugging my feet if that makes any sense.
Since I began buying better made shoes, I no longer have a problem with blisters or break-in. As you wear a shoe throughout the day, the warmth from your foot should soften the leather and it should expand a little(width, not length).
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All the guys are right. However, give your shoes a break if you can. This will make them last longer, keep them fresh, and keep your feet healthy. Your shoes will break in nicely. Bostonians are tricky though. Some are laminated leather, these can only stretch so far. These are straightforward cap toe shoes so it should break in.


"To Wiki or Not To Wiki, That's The Question".
Staff member
If you want to accelerate the process you could fill some ziplocks with water, freeze them for 2-3 days and try them again. Water should expand and stretch the leather.

Disclamer: Try this at your own risks. I have no idea if it's a good or bad method. I did it with 3 pair of shoes and did not have an issue. Hopefully, you won't either if you try it.
Let me clarify, my feet width are size D. I tried the Bostonian shoe in one width greater and it was too wide. What I mean by snug is that I can move my toes to some extent, but I cant stretch them out. It sort of feels like the shoe is hugging my feet if that makes any sense.

That sounds to me what the AE salesperson said about "feeling" the shoe. It will soften up and expand.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
You can buy "shoe stretcher" spray ... you spray it inside the shoe before you put it on, and it helps the leather expand to fit your feet.
I think you'll be alright. I suggest Shoe Leather (conditioner) and shoe trees. Once you wear them a few times you should be fine.
I can tell you what NOT to do. I accidentally packed only one pair of shoes for a trip to NYC -- a new pair of Bostonians -- and spent two days breaking them in walking around Manhattan. The shoes broke in beautifully, but I came home with what looked like a case of leprosy on my feet.

They should stretch, some stores will actually stretch them for you. They put a odd little gismo in them that looks a bit like a torture device from the inquisition. I suggest this only for if you're having a hard time getting them to break in.
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