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Ink Review - Noodler's Legal Lapis

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Nice review!

If I may add: Legal Lapis dries nice and fast with the TWSBI EF nib and the ink also does well in a LAMY Safari with a fine nib.

The Legal Lapis is my daily ink for schoolwork and I've found it to be excellent for the past few semesters, even for writing on crappy Mead notebooks. I find it takes a little longer to dry on nicer paper, like Clairefontaine, but still workable.
I find the LL to work quite well in my Esterbrook with the music/signature stub nib. It's become my go to combination for signing legal pleadings... I've not noticed any dry time problems on either the copy paper in our printers or the nice bond paper my firm uses for correspondence...
Nice review sheet.
Thanks, its a standard form you can get on FPN

You have some tiny q-tips.
Yeah, I didn't have any handy so I just scribbled...

Nice review - the water test looks like you forgot the water. Now that's bullet proof!

I was amazed by that too, it didn't smear at all. It would be really interesting to know what he does to the ink to make it bulletproof

The dry time seems to be on the longer side, especially with this B nib, but with a finer nib its not a problem at all
Thank you for the nice review. This is such a practical ink. I love the fact that it´s waterproof.

Agreed, it seems like such a great "utility" ink. Nice, reserved, versatile color and resilience of waterproof (and I suspect a lot of other -proofs). Should snag a bottle for signing "official docs".
Although the form isn't on the Fountain Pen Network itself, that's how I found it, and so I'll link it through there. Review forms thread here.

Lots of great info on that site, and I believe many from the Nib play there too.
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