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Fishing: Opening Day 2011

Opening day for trout in Connecticut tomorrow. Anybody going fishing? Where you going and what are you fishing for?

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Opening day for trout in Connecticut tomorrow. Anybody going fishing? Where you going and what are you fishing for?

Going upstate NY Wednesday through Saturday for some late season Steelies.
Oh man I can not wait until my fiancées father and I put his boat in the water !
We went to the lake the other day to see how the water looked and it just made it worse I want to go fishing noooow.


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Opening day for trout in Connecticut tomorrow. Anybody going fishing? Where you going and what are you fishing for?

FISHING! i'm all set to start fly fishing this year, picked up all new stuff from AllenFlyFishing, Alpha 5/6 reel, matching rod and line, but we got SNOW yesterday :thumbdown

i'll be fishing soon enough, although it's hard to image right now when i look outside. :laugh:
I've fly fished with snow on the ground. The hard part about that is keeping ice out of the guides. So glad we don't have closed seasons here.
Trout stocking at our local lake on Friday. Taking the kids on Sat if the weather forecast stays good.

I'm a river bass guy myself, but we've had too much rain this spring. Lots of fast, muddy water, and lots of res fish coming down the spillways.

Rudy Vey

Shaving baby skin and turkey necks
Going upstate NY Wednesday through Saturday for some late season Steelies.

Just got home. Thursday we had 30 mile winds, mid-thirties with mix of snow and small hail. Hooked five fish but did not get any of them. Glad we had a heater in the drift boat. Nasty day.
Friday it was frozen early in the morning, so I had to scrape my car from ice. Wind was down, temps got finally into the low 50's in the afternoon. Hooked two fish and was able to land one: nice 10-12 lbs buck.
Today I left early, as the weather had taken a turn for the worst: very high winds and heavy soaking rain, mid thirties again. Absolutely a crap weather, drove home and had the whole time strong rain, no fun drive either.
Last year we had in the 90's and two years ago we hit a weather record with high 90's.....what a change this year!
We have no closed season here, but I usually fish from late spring to late summer. In winter I deer hunt, and early spring I dedicate to turkeys. Then it's time to fish, mostly for largemouth bass. There's a stretch of creek nearby that my buddy and I love to fish, but it's riddled with fallen trees and has been hard to get down in a boat. Well, we spent two Saturdays floating the creek with chainsaws and cleared out about a 3 mile stretch to get the boat through. Look out bass, we're coming soon!

Here's a couple of pics on the creek from about 5 years ago. Sorry about the quality, but they're from a disposable camera I used to keep in my tackle box.
My buddy on the creek:

Me with a bass, same day about 2 hours later. It was getting dark and the bass were biting.
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Leaving for the opener at 0'dark-thirty Thursday morning. Plan on spending the next few evenings getting the fly gear together.

Really looking forward to trying my new rod!

(I may be "at work" the next few days - but I really am fishing....:thumbup: )
Fishing with my son is in the top 10 things to do when I return from this deployment. We are normally on the lake at least 1 weekend out of the month, its the boys time to hang out. I miss fishing!
Arrr, I envy all ye getting your fish on! We're having some beautiful days here, but with finals being what they are I haven't had the time to enjoy it. Mostly just panfish of the various flavors around here (that I can reach, anyway) but they're fun on light fly tackle.

Fishing with my son is in the top 10 things to do when I return from this deployment. We are normally on the lake at least 1 weekend out of the month, its the boys time to hang out. I miss fishing!

And you get back safe to do it, good sir!
Gonna put my boat into the water today, probably head-out to try my luck tommorrow. Hoping to catch some pike, or maybe for a run in with zander.

Fishing the local bay hasn't been too rewarding for the past couple of years. I hope this year it is better.
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