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Williams with a few drops of Aqua Velva Ice Blue, who knew?

Aqua Velva and Williams? Together? I use both daily but never thought to put them together

This is exciting. Gotta try it on my next shave.


P.S. Re-reading my post, what I need to get is a life if that sounds exciting. /sigh
I would love to try this but alas I have no Aqua Velva. I DO have plenty of Skin Bracer with "Glycol". Is this the same as glycerin? (Maybe I will simply go buy a bottle of AV.)

You know, I think that would work.

I tried the drill with AV Musk last night...Got good results, but not as good as I had with the Ice Blue.

I've heard the two are identical except for the color and the scent, so maybe it was the temp of the water I used. Last night it was hot tapwater, before I'd heated some up in the electric kettle.

Still experimenting.
I'm still deeply impressed by this combination. I've tried adding Clubman to soap before (everything from VDH to AoS unscented), but it never did anything to how the soap lathered. Just added that Clubmanny goodness to the mix. This really seems to boost the performance of the Williams.
I've made Aqua Williams a couple times in the past, but I didn't think much of the lather. I've never really had a problems lathering Williams. In fact, I've cut down from the lather I used to make. Maybe I'll give it another go tomorrow.

ChevyGuy posted in the Week of Aqua Velva thread about how he added a few drops of Ice Blue to his puck of Williams before lathering. I figured I'd give it a try.

I usually face lather, but decided to make this lather in a bowl, because the face lather seemed to be different than what I usually get with Williams, a thick, slathery coating that does the job but doesn't look like much.

What I got was picture book lather that didn't seem to have the usual Williams tendency to try and dry out on the face. :huh:


I'm not sure if it's just the glycerin in the AV, but it might be worth a shot for those who just can't get Williams to work for them. Hey, they are both from the same company, so it's not like it's cheating too much...:biggrin1:

To good a thread not to bump it.

A small twist on the experiment.

I put about four or five drops on my puck, and then didn't shave with it for a day or so. When I came back to it, did my usual teaspon on the puck and brush soak.

Same great results. I think there is something in there that doesn't evaporate.


My elbows leak
Staff member
A small twist on the experiment.

I put about four or five drops on my puck, and then didn't shave with it for a day or so. When I came back to it, did my usual teaspon on the puck and brush soak.

Same great results. I think there is something in there that doesn't evaporate.

Took the AV and covered the puck and let it sit till evaporated (8 hours in this dry winter air) then used it this morning as normal.
Results; Blue Williams, with a thick menthol lather.
Used AV Blue as AS and had a double dose of Ice Blue Coolness!


Wanting for wisdom
I was so hopeful that putting some AV onto Williams was going to lift my shaving experience to new hights. What a let down. I tried it this morning. The smell that was produced reminded me of the smell of insulation burning off wires under the dashboard of an old car rather than the slightly citrus note I normally notice.

I'd like to offer a theory as to why this experiment is working for some people. I noticed that when I applied the brush to the puck that the Williams did not foam up immediately as it normally does. Normally this first foam that you get from Williams is useless for shaving and will disappear almost as soon as you put it on your face. Folk who regularly use Williams understand that they have to pass this point and keep going at the puck until the creamy lather starts coming off. I think the AV retards the foaming until people are getting the good lather.

Back to just water for me as I found the scent combination repulsive.
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