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Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance by Robert Pirsig. Great read, one of the 2 books I read every year. The other is Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Six Frigates about the early days of the American Navy Ian w. Toll

I read this earlier this summer. Some of it is really good, and some of it is really monotonous.
As a Navy vet and a fan of sailing ships, I liked it. I did leaf through some of the pagers to speed things along.
[MENTION=99513]Traveling Man[/MENTION],

I saved your note about Ian Toll's "Pacific Crucible" so when I was cruising the online library stack looking for that one, I found "Six Frigates" so I thought I'd start at the beginning of the Navy not halfway through the story.

Not far into it yet... just got to Tripoli last night before sleep.
I just finised Words of Radiance and now I'm on to Salvatore's Companions - the Sundering. So far it's not great but I've been told that it's worth sticking with. Sort of a "good enough" series to hold me over while I wait for the next book from Sanderson or Martin or Rothfuss.
I just finised Words of Radiance and now I'm on to Salvatore's Companions - the Sundering. So far it's not great but I've been told that it's worth sticking with. Sort of a "good enough" series to hold me over while I wait for the next book from Sanderson or Martin or Rothfuss.

Have you read the other Drizzt books? I can't imagine jumping into Companions without any context. It's a long series, so it has the occasional lull for a book or two.
Until this month, I had never read a full Stephen King book. After 3 in quick succession, I'm headfirst into that rabbit-hole now. The man can tell a tale, that's for sure...

So having read "The Shining", "Thinner" and "The Dead Zone", I figure why not another? Next up, "Pet Cemetary".
Have you read the other Drizzt books? I can't imagine jumping into Companions without any context. It's a long series, so it has the occasional lull for a book or two.

I actually have not. I picked this up on a whim, but perhaps I'll put it back down for now and start at the beginning.
I recently finished Girl From Above: Falling by Pippa DaCosta. It is a short story, basically a prequel to the four book series. While a quick and easy read, I didn't find that it added much to the story.
Just finished The Dark Army. Follow up Series to Spooks/The last Apprentice Series. Pretty climactic finish. The next book should be good...
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