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You Stole All Our Razors!!

Normally the local antique shop/ House clearance opporative empties a house and retains and sells the valuable items before disposing of the rubbish aka ( Garbage) Unfortunately straight razors are not in demand nor desireable to the majority and are classed as the rubbish which simply gets thrown away. Hence the position i am in.


Stumpy in cold weather
Staff member
I was going to post the same thing. Most of use have a bunch of razors sitting in a box or a drawer, waiting to be honed or restored. And we wouldn't give any of them up either. It's great to have options. :001_rolle


You probably know what I had for breakfast too!!
Normally the local antique shop/ House clearance opporative empties a house and retains and sells the valuable items before disposing of the rubbish aka ( Garbage) Unfortunately straight razors are not in demand nor desireable to the majority and are classed as the rubbish which simply gets thrown away. Hence the position i am in.

Well, sir, then it is your duty to go on a quest to make an example in these dark times. You must make your case to the "house clearance opporatives" - money, whether it's Pounds Sterling, dollars, etc., talks. Once it is explained that there's money to be made from razors, they will see the light. Play the history card - Britain produced the finest blades in the Empire - or some such thing. You have my permission to play the nationalist card too, "The bloody Yanks have more Sheffield steel than we do!" That should motivate them. (Two favorites in my collection are a Marshes & Sheppard made at the Ponds Works between 1840-1850 and a W&B with a gorgeous "Fine India Steel" etch on it).

Good luck on your quest, Steve, if you are successful, there may be a knighthood in it for you, or a Keira Knightley (sorry, couldn't help myself). "Sir Steve" has a nice ring to it.

Seriously, I cringed at the fact they are throwing away razors and wish you success in saving some.
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