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What is your heritage?


Needs milk and a bidet!
My family tree data is currently on FamilySearch.org and Ancestry.com. I will be uploading it to my genealogy software website, RootsMagic, but that's not done yet.
Awesome thank you! Was just curious what you used to keep track
Whoa! That's very cool.

How'd you get your DNA tested?

Same question

This is the site I used - Was recommended to me by a B&B member. You can search your surname and if there is an ongoing project with your name it will be discounted and results included in that group.

Pretty easy - They send you a kit with two swabs - You scrape your inside cheek and mail back for testing.



Needs milk and a bidet!
This is the site I used - Was recommended to me by a B&B member. You can search your surname and if there is an ongoing project with your name it will be discounted and results included in that group.

Pretty easy - They send you a kit with two swabs - You scrape your inside cheek and mail back for testing.

Great thanks. That's how the rest of them seem to work.
Greek (Lesbos/Lacedaemon)/ Roma (Katowice was the last known home before immigration). Can't speak either language though. Second-generation American, my parents being the first. I'd like to get DNA testing done to see if there's anything else lurking in there (family stories allude to ties to Vlad Tepes), but there are a lot of other purchases I would like to make first. One of my aunts is really big into geneology; maybe I should call her up and see if she would like a new case to investigate.
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My grandparents on my dad's side, came from Cornwall England. My grandmother on my mother's side came from Russia, her father's side was from England.
100% Dutch on my dad's side and an even mix of English and Scottish with a touch of Irish thrown in on my mom's side.

Ya, I'm a mutt, lol.
Wow i am surprised as the amount of replies i have had to this thread, thanks everyone, it made for interesting reading. my grandmother has built a family tree thing which has something crazy like 115,000 people in it, very interesting stuff, kind of like a Tasmanian thing so it isnt all my family but a decent bit of reading.
On Dad's side we got a 400 acre grant, split into scores of little farms now, from George II in 1737. On Mom's side the English came in the mid 1800's sometime, and Oma and Opa Findeisen came shortly after WWI to escape poverty.
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