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What fun! Kidney stone!

My dad had a problem with this back in the 1960s. He ended up with some impressive scars from surgery back in those days. It seems they have more options today.
You might try this. I've never had a kidney stone so I can't say if it works or not. But he says it does, it's easy, and it doesn't cost that much:

i have had them for years,passed a 6.5 about 8 years ago and numerous smaller ones.one thing you can do that will help is lots of water,cranberry juice(to help prevent secondary problems).
soaking in a hot tub while consuming a few beers(adult bev of your choice) is good.the beer moves through your system ,the alcohol relaxes muscles as does the hot water soak.adding epsom salts helps also.
mallow tea,if there is a healthfood store nearby is said to soften them so they are easier to pass.there are a few other herbal remedies but i am not sure of their efficacy.
lithotripsy-- ultra sound used to bust the stones is much better than the old catheter methods.trust me on that one.
i have met satan and he is a urologist.
My stone was passed by the time I got the cat scan. Hurt more than my gall bladder. My wife was very worried, but they gave me a wonderful shot of Cloud9 in the ER and by the time I was allowed to drive again it was all over.

There, that's as close to puppies, kittens and busty angels I can give you. Being on Cloud 9 and tking a nap was pretty good though.



My elbows leak
Staff member
When I passed mine, it was virtually unnoticed.
If I hadn't been peeing in a strainer, I wouldn't even have known it went through.
The last day or so before it passed I felt pretty good, and was about ready to just give up on the strainer thing.

But the week leading up to it were pure hell and agony. No matter which way you sit, stand, lay or lean you are sure that if you just do one of the others the pain will stop.
The constant repositioning to get comfortable seemed never ending.
Good luck, hope you feel better soon.
Sucks, brother. I've had them 3 times in my life. All 3 times were licorice fields and gumball clouds*. Drink lots of water!

Best of luck to you.

*horrible, horrible pain.
You might try this. I've never had a kidney stone so I can't say if it works or not. But he says it does, it's easy, and it doesn't cost that much:


This guy needs to win the Nobel Peace Prize.

Have gotten them like clockwork every 3 years from my teen years. Drink lots of water, I mean LOTS AND LOTS of water. The point is to flood your kidneys to evacuate that stone. I have talked to women that have had kids and stones; as smarttowers has already mentioned, all have said ... well, you know where that goes.

As someone important once said, "This, too, shall pass!" Hope yours does soon!
I "learned" online that drinking (a lot of) olive oil would make kidney stones slippery enough to slide right out. It didn't. When I told my urologist what I had read online, she laughed and said "When the oil gets to your stomach it's hit with stomach acid and digested, so that by the time it gets to where the stones are, it's no longer slippery." She then laughed, and said "Can you imagine some people try things they read on the internet like that?". Of course, I laughed with her, that same laugh that says "how riduculous", and said "No, I can't imagine how anyone would be silly enough to do that!" :001_rolle

I learned that 4 to 8 years of education and training to get a medical degree with a specialization better prepares one to diagnose and treat some medical issues than half an hour browsing the internet.

I also learned that drinking large quantities of olive oil can have unpleasant side effects....:blushing:
I've had them. It's all a matter of size and shape. If they are pretty round and smooth and not too big often times they will pass with minimal pain and fast. If they are larger and shaped like a straight razor you are in for it.

I was told by my MD the sound machine is not the panacea they thought. often times one stone will break into many smaller and knife edged stones.

There is no cure and if you produce them it's a lifetime problem though they say the older you get the less likely you are to get them. If you have one just drink loads of water and have pain meds close at hand. If you anticipate travel get it imaged so you know the size and shape. The last place I would want to be with a major attack is on a plane at 30,000 feet.
#1 - Huge Boulder. Had to have a "Lithotrypsy" procedure. They lower you in a tank of water and break the thing up with shock waves.

#2 - Actually passed the thing IN the doctors office while creating a "sample" - the nurses were amused.

#3 - Passed it at home.

I have to say the 1st one was the most painful. #2 and #3 weren't really that painful at all, at least not the pain I had like the 1st one. Just some lower back pain mostly. Ever since I've tried to make sure I drink a ton of water.
Prevention of stones :Taking zinc helps.. drinking more water helps... a glass of lemonade every nighy helps(the real stuff,not a powder)
I actually think the stent after surgery is worse than the stone....The last one I had was 3cm..I passed fragments for 2 weeks..Until it passes warm baths and pain medication seem to ease the pain the most. Good luck...
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Been -there- done that about a year ago. No one will ever know your pain until this happens. What on earth did they do before pain meds I will never know. There is not enough rawhide in the world to chew on in that instance.
I "learned" online that drinking (a lot of) olive oil would make kidney stones slippery enough to slide right out. It didn't.

Hmmm...that doesn't make sense because the gallbladder releases bile to help digest the fat, where it is then absorbed in the intestines. It doesn't seem like the kidneys would play into it at all.

Again, I don't know if the "lemon cure" works or not, but this article from CBS News seems to suggest it might.

Also, I guess that anyone doing a lemon flush should rinse their mouth out with water and baking soda afterwards since your tooth enamel can be damaged by the acid. Lemon juice has a pH of around 2.0, Coke has pH of about 3.5, and baking soda has a pH of about 8.2.
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... What on earth did they do before pain meds I will never know. There is not enough rawhide in the world to chew on in that instance.

In pre-historic times, the lucky kidney stone recipient would agonizingly crawl out of and away from the cave, so his wailing would not endanger the rest of the cave community. Hearing the loud crying, man-eating animals within wailing distance would follow the sobs and moans, and eat the poor soul, putting him out of his intense misery.
I recall mine being the worst the first couple days when I fianally went to the ER in the middle of the night. But when I got there, because the pain is intermittent, I could only tell the lady doing triage that my pain was a "2" on a scale of 1-10.
Vicodin was the best medicine for me.
But if I may, let me prescribe some laughter also.

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My MD told me of the lemonade thing and I tried it and it did not work. What I've found does work is get some tincture of Hydrangae from a health store and a few drops a couple times a day for a few weeks then stop a few weeks on and off seemed to work for me.

Unless you have had a bad attack it's impossible to describe what it is to someone who hasn't experienced it. There is no frame of reference. The only thing I'll say is it's not that you feel you are going to die you just wish you would hurry up and die. Safe to say if you have a bad one "you will assume the position".
Sadly, nothing "works," whether it's lemon juice/lemonade or tincture of hydrangea. While the video from this fellow is okay, the only thing he's achieving is increasing the citrate level in his body, which helps to counter high oxalate levels. He's not dissolving anything by doing this; human physiology doesn't allow almost pure acids to flow through the body, dissolving stones in their path. If it did, we'd all drink a glass of "CLR" and everything would be fine. The quick cure is simply not out there.

Stones are a long-term, recurring affliction based on metabolism. If your father or mother had stones, there's a good chance you'll get them, too. You can go for years without experiencing problems, and that can make you drop your guard. Drink WATER. Lots of it. Most people drink only when they're thirsty, and I believe a lot of people are actually dehydrated to a certain degree. After my last surgery for these demons I made up my mind that I would push more water through me every day, and it has given results.

If some of you are still looking for help, there is a supplement called Theralith XR. It's a magnesium citrate/B6 blend that has clinically been proven to reduce oxalate levels in the body. It's made to help with calcium oxalate stones which are the most common type.

To all of you fellow members of the Renal Calculi Brotherhood, I tip my cap. All of your anecdotes and tales have been experienced by myself in one way or another. May future passages be smooth and relatively pain-free!

One of the reasons that you have to strain your urine is so that the stone can be retrieved and taken to the lab for analysis. Once the composition of the stone is known avoiding certain things like diet drinks for example can reduce the likely hood of recurrence. When I was a very young Surgery Tech there was an ongoing unofficial study in our OR that found that drinkers of diet pop had a higher rate of stones, mind you it was anecdotal.
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