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What Are You Looking For In This Years Auction: The Teaser Thread

So are these teases "the good stuff"? Are the remaining items not as good as these, or are there better items?

I guess good or not so good depends on what you're particularly interesting in, Steve.

But I can imagine that this is just the tip of the iceberg. :001_smile
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there are still som big surprises behind the doors. Some of which you would never in your life guessed would be there, and some to shock and amaze
No soup for you

We need some surprises ;)

but we do have something Blue
Some wierd Japanese rubber trinket
a Frank
Something you think would hurt, and probably would
something green
oh and a razor I think, pretty sure we have one of them
I really don't have enough money to bid on a town

Yeah, might have to give that one a miss, I'm not really after a town at the moment, an island maybe, but not a town.

Hmmm, I could use my own town. A nice barbershop. A little tea shop. I could have plenty of space for expanding my shave den.


I got moves like Jagger
I would love to see two 2008 B&B LE items:
- 2008 B&B LE TI Le Grelot 1/4 hollow straight
- 2008 B&B LE brush (triple stuffed Kent)
Hmmm, I could use my own town. A nice barbershop. A little tea shop. I could have plenty of space for expanding my shave den.

Both have good points, but for me, an island somewhere, secret hideout, sharks with laser beams, worl..... ooopps, I've said too much! :lol: :biggrin1:
I'm just wondering if there will be some razors, soaps and nib stuff for the auction. But islands, towns and cities are beyond my wallet.
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