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*Warning-Spoilers, see post #697* - HBO's Game of Thrones

Maybe they don't burn Jon Snow and he becomes a Wight. Then he becomes the king of the walkers and has to fight Dany wrapping up the "Song of Ice and Fire"
If you really like GoT so far, do not look up the Deadspin Concourse article on why GoT needs to put us out of its misery.

Personally, I thought it was spot on. Less swear words than in your average 30 seconds of GoT, but I won't link. Google at your leisure.


Needs milk and a bidet!
If you really like GoT so far, do not look up the Deadspin Concourse article on why GoT needs to put us out of its misery.

Personally, I thought it was spot on. Less swear words than in your average 30 seconds of GoT, but I won't link. Google at your leisure.

I always thought the truth hurt. Oddly I don't feel a thing.


Staff member
Jon isn't wanted at the Wall any longer so if he does get brought back to life he sure as heck can't stay there so where else does he have to go? He rides for Winterfell.

I think he will go north and find Bran. Maybe his missing Uncle as well.
I am happy that Stannis is finally dead. His story line was my least favorite. I just hope that that priestess gets killed next. I do wonder if she knew that this would happen and purposely had Stannis kill his daughter in order to remove his family. Maybe she wants Jon Snow to lead that army...

I wonder if Cersei now tries to get revenge. My gut says no because that would be too predictable, but who knows?!
I liked and dislikes aspects of the episode. Can't remember other season finale but I didn't like the check each storyline off the list telling of it. Each one was brought to a cliffhanger ending and then onto the next. But it was a pretty good episode overall.

Let's see.... I liked Arya taking out Ser Maren(right?), that was badass and ugly. But I didn't get what happened when she got back and the going blind bit

15minutss of full frontal Cersei was fine. ;) The scene as a whole didn't find me caring much either way though. Didn't need the shot of the dude shaking his wang at her though lol. And the Mountain at the end and his vow of silence thing seemed random. But if guess the suspense is, did they break her or is she coming back with a vengeance?

I'm starting to feel the dragons aren't going to be worth much. 20 guys with spears almost got the biggest one and now he won't listen. Hmm.... But was that the Dothraki coming back? Maybe they can teach the Unsullied how to fight lol

Good to see Varys team back up with Tyrion. Oh what trouble can they get into? :)

Stannis went out like a punk. 'Nuff said on that.

Sansa and Theon... Not worth getting my hopes up there.

Jaime, Mycella. Dorne and all that... Meh. Though that short haired Sand chic flirting with Bron was hilarious.

Did I miss anything? Oh yea Jon. If he is dead, which I also doubt because the internet has seemed to known for years he's got destiny, but if he is dead then he really went out lame. I'm sure either way it causes some big trouble between the Watch and the Wildlings he just "saved".
Is he? Just playing Devil's Advocate, but we never actually saw him die. It certainly seems as though he's dead, but I can't help but think that the decision to cut away before the blow was delivered was a conscious one.

Agreed. When I first watched it I actually thought I heard Brienne shriek because someone came up behind her and sank a dagger in or something.

Can I be Keanu to your Devil?:devil2:
Is he? Just playing Devil's Advocate, but we never actually saw him die. It certainly seems as though he's dead, but I can't help but think that the decision to cut away before the blow was delivered was a conscious one.

Good point.

Agreed. When I first watched it I actually thought I heard Brienne shriek because someone came up behind her and sank a dagger in or something.

Can I be Keanu to your Devil?:devil2:

I really hope not. I liked Brienne.
My cousin just sent me this GoT joke:

Why did Jon Snow wait outside of the Apple Store for 4 hours?

For the Watch!
What about the winter? Eventually coming or not?
First two seasons of this show was not so bad, but what followed...
I'm not sure, but I think that writer himself not knowing what will happen.
Too many characters, to many minor plots (btw, which is the main plot?), is not a serious opera... Just a pretentious soap opera...
What about the winter? Eventually coming or not?
First two seasons of this show was not so bad, but what followed...
I'm not sure, but I think that writer himself not knowing what will happen.
Too many characters, to many minor plots (btw, which is the main plot?), is not a serious opera... Just a pretentious soap opera...

Considering book 6 is called "The Winds of Winter" I think we can safely say winter IS coming, and soon.

As for the main plot, I've always believed the threat of the white walkers is the main conflict of the whole story, and that although all the subplots seem separate right now, they will eventually converge for the final conflict, most likely at the wall.
What about the winter? Eventually coming or not?
First two seasons of this show was not so bad, but what followed...
I'm not sure, but I think that writer himself not knowing what will happen.
Too many characters, to many minor plots (btw, which is the main plot?), is not a serious opera... Just a pretentious soap opera...

Technically, thats just the "saying" or catchphrase of the Stark family. Every family has their own, however "Winter is Coming" seems to be more in the spotlight. Its not that winter is literally coming in this story (although it is). Its kind of like a warning. Don't get too comfortable, no matter how long the good times last.

I can see how you might be frustrated. There isn't a normal plot like we learn about in school, with rising action and all that. I see it more of a glimpse into a specific time of this land. You could probably pick out a number of specific events from the books or TV show and make an entire 2 hour movie. Its definitely an ambitious project that I hope GRRM can finish.
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