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Used shaving brush willies

I constantly see used shaving brushes for sale. Is it just me? Isn't that like using someone else's toothbrush. Or wearing someones underwear. Argh.

I see a used brush I'd like to have. How do you clean the darn thing? I'm sorry, I'm sure this question comes up too often.
I'm the same way about the boxes of stuff that get shipped around for folks to use. It just seems weird. No offense meant to no one. I'm sure it's fine or it wouldn't happen.
You can use the cleaning method in the link in my sig

+1. I've done some brush lending to others so that they may try out certain brushes, and use this method. Between the soap and then the acidic environment from the vinegar, it does a fine job of cleaning things up. You may want to give the brush an extended water soak after it's trip through the vinegar, just to get rid of the residual.
Thanks for the replies. Seems pretty easy to clean one up. Now I have to decide if I want to take the leap.
I use Barbicide mixed as per directions. Soak the brush for about 4 minutes. Wash with hair shampoo, rinse, shake and dry.

I don't figure that getting a used brush it is any worse than the occasional badger that accidentally peed on himself after a hard night partying! :lol:

I do this when I sell one and when I buy one.

I don't figure that getting a used brush it is any worse than the occasional badger that accidentally peed on himself after a hard night partying! :lol:

I do this when I sell one and when I buy one.

Pardon my quoting out of context, but I couldna resist!


The wife's investment
I constantly see used shaving brushes for sale. Is it just me? Isn't that like using someone else's toothbrush. Or wearing someones underwear. Argh.

I see a used brush I'd like to have. How do you clean the darn thing? I'm sorry, I'm sure this question comes up too often.

I feel the same way. Not sure why. I don't mind used razors, in fact, all of mine are used. However, brushes, soaps, creams, etc. just seem like they should be a one user kind of thing.
Pardon me...what I meant to say was I completely agree!!! Used shaving brushes, especially used SOMERSET CHUBBY 1's and 2's are really unsafe to use brushes when already used by another person. I suggest that you all send them directly to me so I can prevent any further contamination of the wet shaving world...:wink2:
Each time I read threads like this takes me back a few decades when half-deaf older co-workers would calls us youngsters wussies for using hearing protection and safety glasses:001_rolle

If you really like a handle, the safest thing to do is just to buy a new knot. Easy and cheap to do.
I kinda feel the same way about brushes, I have five and all but 4 are new, and the 50's series simpson I have was my fathers and I reknotted it with a finest.
Creams I will get used only of they are in a tube.
Soaps I don't mind cause you can always scrub off the top layer.
Razors I'm fine with, they clean up real easy.
AS and ASB is ok too since you have to poor it out.
Each time I read threads like this takes me back a few decades when half-deaf older co-workers would calls us youngsters wussies for using hearing protection and safety glasses:001_rolle

If you really like a handle, the safest thing to do is just to buy a new knot. Easy and cheap to do.

A lot of people buy brushes for the knot that is already there.

If you are going to buy an expensive simpson, shavemac, or other higher end brushes then their knot is part of why you want that brush.
I constantly see used shaving brushes for sale. Is it just me? Isn't that like using someone else's toothbrush. Or wearing someones underwear. Argh.

I see a used brush I'd like to have. How do you clean the darn thing? I'm sorry, I'm sure this question comes up too often.

Totally agree. Exchanging / selling used things from the bathroom is weird. A slightly used bottle of aftershave or cologne? Maybe, if it's expensive or rare.. but that's it for me.. Once a shaving soap or cream is cracked open, or a brush is used, it really needs to just remain in that bathroom, thankyouverymuch..
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