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To grow a beard or not to grow a beard?

It would seem to me that you have made a commitment to live a year without using your beloved, shaving, equipment except for trim purposes. The only legitimate reason not to do so is if your employer for some reason objected to facial hair.

Ron I
I think she is selfish to demand something like that. A beard is itching quite a bit while it is growing. Why should you suffer from such, just because she is getting married? And also, why should you not be allowed to have the look you want to have?

Is she really thinking her future happiness in marriage depends on if you have a beard or not at her wedding? It sounds a bit shallow for me. I almost wonder if that marriage will last... and what kind of crazy requirements she will force upon your best friend. He is probably getting worse requirements as he is closer to her than what you are.


Needs milk and a bidet!
Agreed. Much harder than it seems, but can look pretty awesome. Also, I think we need to see an epic picture of the epic beard to make our final conclusions.

This is about the best picture I have, maybe the only picture.

$IMG_1043 copy.jpg

Grow the beard and shave the rest of the body hair instead! I'm sure you'll learn something which we'll all beg you not to share with us :)

I'll need a weed whacker

Do you feel comfortable wearing skinny jeans and not wearing socks?


Funny you say that....I've come close recently. I bought my first pair of Slim fit jeans a few months ago. Levi 513
I tried on the regular fit, which has been my go to forever and didn't like them. Tried on the Slim fit and all be darned.

Since I've been wearing my Top Siders I've come to dislike socks.

What's happening to me!!! :scared:

have you considered a fake beard? :blink:


I think she is selfish to demand something like that. A beard is itching quite a bit while it is growing. Why should you suffer from such, just because she is getting married? And also, why should you not be allowed to have the look you want to have?

Is she really thinking her future happiness in marriage depends on if you have a beard or not at her wedding? It sounds a bit shallow for me. I almost wonder if that marriage will last... and what kind of crazy requirements she will force upon your best friend. He is probably getting worse requirements as he is closer to her than what you are.

:lol: How dare she!


Fussy Evil Genius
I must say--

That is an awesome beard, man, and I'm not one to get all "awesome" about beards.
Growing a beard would be a good excuse to break out a straight and hone your skills keeping the neck line clean.

I tried growing a beard once about 25 years ago and gave up after about 3 weeks. Didn't like the look, didn't like the itchiness. They are not for everyone but if you like it then that's what matters.
I've been asked by the Mrs and the kids to grow mine again this winter. Planning on doing Movember to start, but I always keep my neck and cheeks cleaned up.
Man that is an awesome beard! Really like the color and density! If mine came in even close to that I'd be proud to grow it out. You can still use your shave stuff to do touch ups. Grow that bad boy out!
If she's your bestest bestie ever, then you gotta do it! or you can grow it a bit and start complaining about it till she tells you to shave it. But put your shaving stuff away or it might get depressing.

October 22nd is my birthday, this is weird. :tongue_sm
Go for a beard style that requires daily shaving of the cheek and neck lines.

It is more work than shaving your whole face. Trust me on this one.

I shave my cheeks, neck lines, and under my lower lip every second day, it keeps the beard lines looking clean and sharp. You can even step up to a straight razor, if you haven't already, to really set the lines of your beard. You still get all the prep and ritual and have to be more careful shaving to avoid messing up the beard (but it's not that hard).
Two words:


You have addictions to shaving? How about addictions to beard oils? :) I didn't learn about them until after I'd gone cue ball on the head and face, but places like West Coast Shaving carry some awesome beard oils that will give you a whole new line of acquisition disorder. :)

And after the year is up, if you still have it left, PIF it. :)
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