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Time for a career change

So, in the very near future I will be converting from my 18 year culinary career for a full time life in EMS. I've been working part time in EMS for almost 2 years now and feel truly excited about this change.

It's great that you have a clue about what it will be like at the new job, instead of jumping in blindly.
Best of luck to you. :a14:


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
I've cut hair since I was 17. Became a nurse at 42. School was hard. I mean HARD! Best thing I ever did. I finally did what I felt God was calling me to do. When I was in nursing school people asked what I was going to "specialize" in..... They looked at me like I was nuts when I said I felt called to be a nursing student. Long story short is this: I didn't put the cart before the horse. If anyone would have told me when I was 35 that I'd be switching careers beginning at 38 I'd have laughed in their face. I NEVER would have believed I'd be a psych nurse going into homes in downtown Flint to help people. So here's some advice, worth every penny you'll pay for it: Don't put God in a box. He can do AMAZING stuff with broken people. Don't trust me, read the Old Testament, lol!
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