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Thermal Lather


I really appreciate the positive feedback. It's made the months of development well worth it. At this point, I've spent several thousand dollars developing this project. While I've done my best to source the components in the U.S. and Canada, some components are simply no longer made in North America. It's a crying shame.

I've investigated the battery approach and the solar approach. Appreciate that I need to put 25 watts of energy into this thing if it's to produce reasonably warm lather in short order. You don't want to be using this thing for shaving and have it double as a 20 pound barbell for morning exercise (i.e batteries enclosed). Similarly, there are some places around here (notably where I live in Vermont) where a solar panel in winter might just put out enough energy to power the thing. But, do you want to have to come home at noon in order to shave via solar power? Actually, I have a young PhD friend up at McGill University whose research and thesis is oriented to solar cell development.

I've made this new product available in six colors in very limited quantities. For details and B&B member pricing, please contact me via PM.
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