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The white goddess

So how many of you regularly smoke out of a block meerschaum pipe? I used a straight billiard meerschaum for all of my pipe smoking since i have a relatively large stock of the same type of tobacco. i have a brair bulldog pipe too but it doesn't see much use compared to my meerschaum :laugh:
Not regularly, but I do enjoy my mini-meer from time to time. It's perfect for a 10-15 min smoke and trying out a new 'baccy without worrying about ghosting interference.
I have been using a Yanik block meerschaum with Molto Dolce, seems a great fit for that sweet aromatic!!
anyone have any crazy meers? i saw a rare martin luther king one of my neighbors had but i guess pipes like that arnt considered rare anymore because you can get pipes made for you.
I have a Rhody Meer that has quickly become my favourite. I haven't smoked lately though because I ahve a cold and couldn't really enjoy anything while being stuffed up.
Three meers at the moment, another on the way, and I am watching a few on ebay.....I love meers. There is a meerschaum group on facebook, if you like.
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