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The Scandal Sheet: Straights and other stuff

Survived the MRI. It was a little loud. The last time I had a cranial MRI they had headphones to listen to music but I guess they don't fit in the head cradle for this machine. So I pretended I was at an experimental music festival and that was that.

I got a call from my son this morning as I was finishing up. I had mentioned rather obliquely a while back that there is a situation brewing between him and his mother (my ex-wife). It is...coming to a head now. So the next few days/weeks/months may be a little interesting.
Good luck, Matt.
Today's shave was an old Wade and Butcher, 5/8". Somewhere between half and quarter hollow. It's a nice, smooth shaver. Although I had some resistance on my right jawbone, but I had resistance there with the DE too. So...

The soap was Agrumes, Vestavia silvertip did the sudsing. DE, I swapped the Treet out of the SC and put it in the LC. Likewise took the Bic from the LC and put it in the SC. The Bic has a few more shaves on it and I would have been hard pressed to tell the razors apart beyond comb feel, in terms of efficiency anyways.

Speaking of News. I got a pair today in the mail. A LC and a SC. The short was the one I wanted, plating is largely intact and it has the SC specific cap. The cap is a little heavier than the others, I think. It will encourage a very shallow angle due to the balance and that seems to be what these razors need. Very excited. It got a quick bath and light scrub and it's up for tomorrow. The LC is in typical condition, plating mostly gone. Matches the other SC I have. I'll clean it up but if this new New SC works out I may list the other pair for a low price...definitely great candidates for a replate and would probably make someone pretty happy.

Be well.
Well, after a handful of shaves that ended well but were a little frustrating, had an absolutely top flight one today. Was nice to get back to my Oumo badger after several break- in lathers with my new boat. Beeswax for the soap. Osuga Sain did everything it was supposed to, and then the new New SC got its maiden run.

I didn't do any head to head comparison with it and the other SC, but my sense is, this one shaves smoother... maybe a lot smoother, and maybe a hair less efficient. Hard to say. You can go as shallow as you like with this one. I chased absolute BBS today because I had time and because it was easily within reach. I got there, and didn't pay for it at all. The blade was a new Nacet and I don't know if it was just an exceptional blade or if it's the razor, but it was the smoothest first run on a Nacet I've had yet. Very promising.

Finished up with Myrsol. The feedback tells me I exfoliated well without planing off skin. Maybe not an everyday goal but a nice Sunday shave.

At any rate, I can probably stop buying DEs now. Between the SC, LC, and Fatip, I think I'm in good shape. I did win another straight on yahoo Japan this morning, but that's different. LOL.

Be well, everyone.
Well, first. The dog is doing great. No more frogs in the living room. Grabbed my Hoshi Tombo and the Retro with a Feather for Frameback/Fatip/Feather Friday. Lather courtesy of Stirling Beeswax and RV/Semogue boar. Still had a bit of fragrance from the Desairology yesterday. Just about the right amount, actually.

Everything was smooth, effective, and close. Finished with Myrsol Limón.
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I'm off to get an MRI of my head now. I doubt they'll find anything...maybe this:View attachment 1847673
Let us know the results...prayers heading your way.
There was a thread a while back asking whether stress can coarsen one's whiskers. I'll admit that the idea seems far-fetched to me, but at the same time, my challenging patches have been *really* challenging over the last few days. Regardless of prep, blade, etc. Maybe there's something to it. At the very least, we know that stress can cause hairs to go gray. And I can say from a multitude of experience that the grays get harder to cut. So...maybe. Anyway.

Straight was Kikuboshi 8300. I haven't really been sticking to a rotation lately, just grabbing whatever razor grabs me, if you will. Soap was MdC Rose, man I love this soap... Elite Lapis for the lather. The DE was the new New SC/Nacet again. Smoother than yesterday even. Although as noted above, had to work for it on two separate patches-- but it mowed everything else down with abandon. I will need to do a head to head with the other SC soon, as that one seemed to be a little more efficient, but maybe at the expense of smoothness. Or, maybe it's all in my head. Either way, this SC is a winner. Finished up with the Veg. I love that too. Sorry, haters. Actually I'm not sorry at all. Your loss. LOL.

Be well.
I think today's theme is "the best laid schemes of mice and men gang aft agley." Though, not really in a bad way, here.

First, I had a straight in mind to use for today. But, I leave the previous day's razor out, open, to dry fully before putting it back in the case. So, putting the Kikuboshi back in the dedicated Japan case that holds 12, I couldn't help but grab the Danshaku. Which was not the razor I had planned. But it was absolutely brilliant today so that's a win.

The other thing I had intended to do, was a little head-to-head with the two New SCs. So I went to load a blade into the one with no plating and the generic cap, and glanced down at the drawer and realized that I didn't use the other SC yesterday after all...I used the LC. Granted both are nice and shiny but the LC has a ball-end handle, it really should have been obvious. Which, of course, explains my notes above that the shave seemed smoother but maybe less efficient. So, a blind test, as it were.

I did use both SCs today and while they feel subtly different there was no real winner in terms of efficiency, or even smoothness really, although I'm tempted to think the shiny/SC-only cap might have the edge there. Maybe. But what I did notice was how much more efficient they were than the LC yesterday. And the LC isn't bad, mind you. But today was a *much* faster cleanup. I didn't chase absolute BBS today like I did Sunday but I think that's where I ended up anyway, with a little less exfoliation. Winnner winner. Finished up with the Veg. I guess I forgot to mention the software, same as yesterday (MdC Rose) and the Rudy Vey brush continues to delight as well. Knot is breaking in nicely.

I hope you all have a wonderful day.
Today I went ahead and used the razor I had planned for yesterday. No-model, MK3 style Heljestrand. I really like this razor, but I need to figure out how to get the pivot pins tightened up. Lots of work with a peening hammer has been only minimally effective. I suppose the next step is to break in that drill press I just bought and drill it out and repin. Kind of terrifying when you're working with 100 year old ivory. Maybe one of these days.

The shave was great. I used Beeswax today. I'm not enjoying loading out of the narrow mug it's pressed in, though. May scoop it out and press it back into the old tub. I like loading off a larger surface I guess. DE pass was mostly the plate-less SC, though I did do some comparison with the nicer one. Can really tell the difference in where the respective Nacets are in their lifecycle, the fresher one was notably sharper but the more used one is still nice and smooth. Used my left hand for the left side of the chin and picked up a lot of lurking stubble that wasn't obvious when using my right hand at what I though was the same angle. As Oscar Gamble said, "they don't think it be like it is, but it do." Finished up with Bignoli Agrumi di Mediterraneo. The menthol kick was significantly delayed. The mark of a gentle, smooth shave.

Last night the boy had a school orchestra concert. They played a movement from Prokofiev's Romeo and Juliet ballet suite. I dialed that up this morning. It's quintessential Prokofiev. Sarcastic, light-hearted, and menacing all at once.

Oh, and I saw the local leader of the GSB cult again. Pics this time.
Had a real nice shave this morning. I needed to clear my mind a little yesterday so I grabbed my test razor, kind of the sacrificial honing victim, and messed around a little on a little, very hard coticule bout that I got a while back but never really got the most of. I was kind of surprised by where the edge ended up and the shave was great, that perfect balance of gentle but still keen. Now, I use this razor as a hone tester for a couple reasons. One, it was a $10 antique shop purchase, and I had to hone through quite a bit of swiss cheese steel initially, and two, it always seems to take a nice edge regardless of what I throw at it. Basically, if I can't get a good shaving edge with that razor on a stone, I don't bother trying to get there with others. It sort of brings out the best of a stone and shows me what it's capable of. I've had mixed results with this little coticule (well, any coticule really) but I have some ideas of how to proceed on other razors now.

Soap was Agrumes, the Rudy Vey/Semogue boar got the nod again today. It was very nice. Not quite to the point where I'd face lather with it, but I did some scrubbing today without incident.

The DE was the shiny New SC with a fresh Bic. I used both hands again today for that pass and the results were quick and close. Finished up with Myrsol Limon. Got out of the house with enough time to stop and get coffee for me and the teen. So a really nice start to the day.

Be well.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Had a real nice shave this morning. I needed to clear my mind a little yesterday so I grabbed my test razor, kind of the sacrificial honing victim, and messed around a little on a little, very hard coticule bout that I got a while back but never really got the most of. I was kind of surprised by where the edge ended up and the shave was great, that perfect balance of gentle but still keen. Now, I use this razor as a hone tester for a couple reasons. One, it was a $10 antique shop purchase, and I had to hone through quite a bit of swiss cheese steel initially, and two, it always seems to take a nice edge regardless of what I throw at it. Basically, if I can't get a good shaving edge with that razor on a stone, I don't bother trying to get there with others. It sort of brings out the best of a stone and shows me what it's capable of. I've had mixed results with this little coticule (well, any coticule really) but I have some ideas of how to proceed on other razors now.

Soap was Agrumes, the Rudy Vey/Semogue boar got the nod again today. It was very nice. Not quite to the point where I'd face lather with it, but I did some scrubbing today without incident.

The DE was the shiny New SC with a fresh Bic. I used both hands again today for that pass and the results were quick and close. Finished up with Myrsol Limon. Got out of the house with enough time to stop and get coffee for me and the teen. So a really nice start to the day.

Be well.View attachment 1850850
That's a great looking razor for $10. Nice find!
That's a great looking razor for $10. Nice find!
Thanks! I did make new scales for it. The old ones were the 3 pin variety (which is usually a mark of quality because it's an extra step) but the third pin made it so I couldn't tighten the pivot any further. I actually went back and reshaped and refinished the scales later. It's got some devil spit oxidation but it's a nice razor. I was on it like a duck on a junebug when I saw the price.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Thanks! I did make new scales for it. The old ones were the 3 pin variety (which is usually a mark of quality because it's an extra step) but the third pin made it so I couldn't tighten the pivot any further. I actually went back and reshaped and refinished the scales later. It's got some devil spit oxidation but it's a nice razor. I was on it like a duck on a junebug when I saw the price.
I remember seeing the pics of your scale making process. You did a great job with them.
Almost forgot to that a foto for Frameback Friday but I had a minute while the kid was making tea so I went back and took one.

Shave was pretty uneventful except for a minor nick because I forgot to tighten down the handle on my SC. Anyway, all is well, the shave was good. Drama with the oldest kid and his mother continues but perhaps they've reached an uneasy détente. At least for now.

Another rainy morning and I had Kris Kristofferson's "Border Lord" stuck in my head. "Darkness had us covered when we split from Minnesota in the morning, in the rain. Black as I was feeling and the street was slick and shiny as a snake." So that's what I listened too. It's not my absolute favorite album of his, but it's one of the most interesting, it goes in some different directions from a lot of his stuff.

Be well.
I have a few minutes so I thought I'd post some thoughts on how the DEs I've been using compare to each other. In an earlier post I talked about my own personal concepts of aggression vs. efficiency vs. closeness. I still think they're interrelated but separate. At least, they are within the scope of the way I use DEs, for the partial ATG cleanup pass.

Anyway. The New SC seems to be a winner for me in terms of the intersection of efficiency and closeness. I still can't tell you which of the two SCs I have is better there, I think the unplated one is more aggressive, slightly, in that I can overdo it if I'm not careful. It might also be more efficient though. I really need to explore these two more, and with more blades.

My FOCS is capable of equally close shaves, though. But it takes more work to get there. I also think the varying exposure leads to problems on a couple spots right around the adam's apple, if I'm not careful it will plane of some skin and it's always a surprise when in does. The standard Fatip OC on the other hand, is consistent, eminently comfortable, and nearly as efficient for me as the New SC--BUT-- it doesn't shave as close. Perhaps the exposure is a little less. I've experimented with angles, pressure, etc and I can get very close, DFS+/BBS-, but if I go over the same spot with an SC, it will pick up just a little more. But overall I prefer the straight Fatip to the slant, despite this. Leaning toward moving the FOCS on for someone else to enjoy. I should note, too. The Fatip OC is pretty blade dependent for me. With a Feather or a Bic, it's much more pleasant. I have a couple other blades I really like (Nacets and Treet 7 Days) but I like them much better in other razors.

I have a couple New LCs as well. I haven't used the one, still need to get the gunk out of the teeth, but the other one is a joy to use. It's right in the same ballpark as the Fatip OC for me, maybe a hair closer, just as smooth, maybe a hair less efficient but maybe not. Very similar results. I don't get as quite as close as with the SC but I also don't have to worry about overshaving. It's an autopilot shaver for me.

Gillette Old Type, this one is still an enigma. It's very efficient until it isn't. I'm sure this is down to shave angles, the places it struggles with tend to be tricky for that. I think I'll hold on to it and keep trying. But if it was the only razor I had, I could definitely make it work.

Razorock Old Type, without a shim is less efficient than the Gillette version and probably less close. With a shim it seems to reall shine, though, and it differs from the Gillette in that way. I need to dial it up again soon to see how it compares to the SCs. I think in terms of closeness and efficiency it might be in between the LC and the SC for me. But I haven't touched it since the I got the News so it's possible that my memory isn't accurate.

Anyway. That's the Friday brain dump. The more I read about the Athena the more I think I would like it. But I would have to sell off a straight or two to justify that investment and at the moment I can't think of any I would part with.
It's early so of course I'm the only one up, besides the animals. Although I think the dog went back to bed after I let him out and fed him. My stubble is a little itchy but I will let Mrs. Scandalous and the youngest sleep before I start banging around in the bathroom.

Hanging out on the sun porch, drinking cold coffee (which I love) and listening to the birds. The cat is closely observing the goings on in the back yard.
Humans are now awake so I am shaved. I had been doing some honing on my Friodur last night, seeing if I could recapture lightning in a bottle with the little coticule I used the other day, but I wasn't quite satisfied. So I just did a quick synth reset through 12k and decided to see how that went.

It was nice. Keen, pretty smooth... boring synth edge. So after my first pass I grabbed my little Thuringian and did about 20 very light laps. Stropped, relathered...now THAT'S the ticket. I need to remember that less is more with that stone.

Soap was Rose, entirely face lathered this morning with the Yaqi two band. That felt great, too.

For the DE, I loaded a Nacet into the RR Old Type, with a shim. My memory wasn't faulty. It's very efficient. And feels "safer" than my most aggressive New SC. I did go over things with that SC after, to gauge closeness. It still found stubble to pick up, but not much. I'll have to pit the RROT against the long comb at some point, I suspect they will be about equal in closeness.

Finished with the Veg and got no tingle. And as close a shave as I could ask for. So the tools were on point today.

Be well.
It's early so of course I'm the only one up, besides the animals. Although I think the dog went back to bed after I let him out and fed him. My stubble is a little itchy but I will let Mrs. Scandalous and the youngest sleep before I start banging around in the bathroom.

Hanging out on the sun porch, drinking cold coffee (which I love) and listening to the birds. The cat is closely observing the goings on in the back yard.
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Domineaux and your cat could be siblings.
Pulled out a straight that I've neglected...a Klas Törnblom that came to me a few years ago covered in rust. And then I managed to crack the scales when I unpinned it. I used cricut plastic as a liner at the pivot and the glued it kintsugi style with CA and glitter powder. I touched up the seams with metallic paint to really bring it out.

It's such a nice shaver and the wabisabi nature of it really speaks to my sensibilities.

I had mentioned I had another LC that came in a lot with a SC. I cleaned it up yesterday with the idea of listing it. Came out nice. I loaded a blade to make sure the alignment was good, and comparing it to my other LC it appears that it has a tiny bit more blade exposure. Huh. Guess I need to shave test it.

Well, that extra exposure showed itself well in the shave. Excellent efficiency, vey close. Slightly less smooth than the other. Frankly it shaves very similar to the one SC that I favor, in fact in comparing them they both are equally efficient and if there's a difference in final closeness it's marginal. So. I think this one is staying.

We're having a rare breakfast out as a family today. Kids are in a great mood. Wife was listening to Tori Amos "Little Earthquakes" album earlier and I decided to let it roll. Such a tour-de-force.

Be well.
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