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The Person Below Me "Game"

False, i did it a couple of times when i was a kid though and it's not like I can open my R&S buddies gift until the 25th unless you want to count midnight as the 25th muhahahahahahahahaha.

TPBM like Star Trek but doesn't like the Original Series.
It depends which mail lady I have in Ohio. The one likes to chuck packages and the other likes to shove them in the mailbox. The mail guy likes to set them on the back porch and if there is inclement weather he puts the package in a clear plastic bag...
TPBM Likes FedEx... I do...
True, moderately at least. Honestly today would have been a pretty poor Christmas if it wasn't for my R&S buddy. I got stuck in a room for almost an hour with a group of people I really dislike and had no choice but to stay, ahhhhhh Christmas.

TPBM ate lamb during their Christmas this year.
True, I've been dying to try one for a few years now since i seen the Adam Sandler movie called "Click".

TPBM has driven a tank at some point.
False. But I had several drive over me and I live to tell the tale. Tankers call The Infantry "Crunchies".

TPBM likes cottage cheese.
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