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True, in my case the word snack comes from my fridge.

TPBM actually knows where the word snack comes from and don't say "mouth". :lol:
True... Well Just Looked it up: snack (v.) c.1300, "to bite or snap" (of a dog), probably from Middle Dutch or Flemish snacken "to snatch, snap; chatter," which Watkins traces to a hypothetical Germanic imitative root *snu- forming words having to do with the nose (see snout). The meaning "have a mere bite or morsel, eat a light meal" is first attested 1807. Related: Snacked; snacking.snack (n.) c.1400, "a snatch or snap" (especially that of a dog), from snack (v.). Later "a snappish remark" (1550s); "a share, portion, part" (1680s; hence old expression go snacks "share, divide; have a share in"). Main modern meaning "a bite or morsel to eat hastily" is attested from 1757. Snack bar is attested from 1923. Commercial plural form snax attested from 1942 in the vending machine trade.

TPBM: Is having a real slow day at the office
false: ok Mike per your request:bored:
TPBM knows what a combined ratio is and what industry it is used for, again to follow Mikes lead without looking it up
True: used to drive for Monfort ( the circus trucks and Tigator ) among others hauling beef, was in OKC after a miserable snow storm in the panhandle of Texas. 15 hrs from Amarillo to OKC never went higher than 20 mph could not get off the Interstate due to ice, had to keep moving. Once in OKC it looked as if the roads cleared WRONG had both trailer and tractor Jack knife. Was able to pull out of it, but it was scary

TPBM has has an unusual job compared to their current career
True depending on how you look at it. Right now jobless is my career but I spend my time training myself on how to weld.
Other jobs I can remember were Assistant Network Admin at 13 years old, Breakfast Club Cook at 15, Leafleting at 15, Computer Repair Guy on and off till now, KFC for the last 3 months. Theres more but I can't really remember it too well.

TPBM has worked in the same job for over 10 years.
Unknown. Had a bologna sandwich and banana for lunch. I don't know what I'll have for dinner tonight.

TPBM has had fruit in their diet today.
Shame those sales don't happen here so false although it hasn't stopped me buying stuff. :thumbup1:

TPBM ate chicken wings today (just got told that I now apparently am about to be given some free ones).
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