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The mother load.

One thing I've learned is that not everyone understands a persons interests or desires. Add in that some are not sentimental and quickly you see how an entire collection spanning years, possibly decades could be passed off without much regret.

On the other hand financial difficulties and the owner not documenting what each peices approximate value was and you can see how this could easily happen.
Maybe he just snapped out of his razor buying stupor and proclaimed "What am I,Nuts? Somebody take these, please!

True, could be.

Look as a public service I'll help you or any other member here out when this happens and take everything you have off you hands for $1 each plus postage :lol:

I'm such a nice guy!
congrats to the new owner.. ungodly amount of stuff..

that being said, i could never drop $5k .. ill have to stick to my cheap swap meet antique store craigslist finds

Very weird. If you squint, this picture looks like a skull. spooky.
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