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Social Media users_ what do you use?

What Social Medias Do You Use?

  • FaceBook

  • Twitter

  • Google+

  • Linkedin

  • Pinterest

  • Instagram

  • MySpace

  • VK

  • Tumblr

  • Other media outlet (Please post below!)

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Needs milk and a bidet!
Calling all B&B members!

We want to hear from you.

We would like to know what social medias you actively use.

The poll is multiple choice.
If you use something not listed please choose Other and tell us below.
If you do not use the social media please do not vote or post.

Thank you!!
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I got moves like Jagger
I use LinkedIn as my "little black book" for work contacts, but not really as a social media thing. Facebook, for me, is pretty much restricted in who I have as friends; I often drop folks (including family!) that complain on it too much.
Linked in for Work contacts. Nothing else. Have tried out twitter, facebook, and pinterest and they aren't for me.
Wow. I have an account on 8 out of 9 of them. Forgot about half of them lol. I avoid Facebook like the plague, use twitter for sports and movie stuff, Google+ is my browser home page at home for some strange reason, linkedin in is like a work contact thing I never log in till I get that email that someone wants to add me to their network...etc. I just lurk and rarely post. Basically if I can't fall asleep on the bus ride to and from work, I'll check these things...and trust me I nap most of the time.
LinkedIn for professional stuff.

Fbook mainly for family and close friends. Not acquaintances, close friends.
Twitter mainly for sports
Voted. I'm fairly active on Facebook and a sporadic/occasional user of Twitter. I have a Google+ account but can't remember the last time I accessed it. Since I retired a couple of years ago, my Linkedin account is in semi-permanent hibernation. Not listed, but once in a while I'll check out reddit.
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Will never do (Two) Facebook and I'm not currently on Twitter. I'm considering the latter for news, updates, etc.
I use Facebook strictly for out of state family and I follow a lot of sports related items on Twitter.
Pretty much only use twitter for keeping up on on pens, shaving, music and comics. Pretty sure I have a google+, but nobody in my circles really uses it so I stopped bothering.
Like most other folks, LinkedIn is really just work contacts for me. Facebook is more family and IRL friends for me, and I've tapered off Twitter a fair bit but am still there off and on. I'm also on Reddit subs for most of my hobbies as an "Other" selection.
G+ mostly because I'm a Google/Android nut and a lot of the Android sites use it for contests and such. Also FB, Twitter, and once in a while Instagram.
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