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so my brush came today...

woh! what a bargain!

(bet they charge you $200 when you reorder the BK2)

...whether you keep it or sell it - USE IT FIRST!!!!

then report back... please!



Lunatic Fringe
Staff member
Good karma! You did the right thing and can feel good about your new brush now.
Honesty does feel good. I recently ordered an item of camping equipment and instead of being sent one item, I was sent one case!!! Givne that it was a fairly expensive piece of equipment the idea of ebay ran through my mind, albeit briefly. Called them back and they sent me a hearty thank you and shipping forms. A bit inconvenienced by the trip to the post, but you never know the affect that a mistake like that could have on someone's job. Not to mention being given something that I don't really have rights to. You're a good egg.
Sounds like OP did the right thing, and got rewarded. However, I just wanted to comment that I cannot imagine using a 31mm brush. Even occasionally. I have a 26mm Vulfix super badger which works very well for me, but just cannot imagine requiring more brush. Of course, I haven't tried it yet..
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