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Go see a Turkish barber:

I was going to suggest this. I could not remember whether it was the Turkish guys who did this or the Far Easterners. One thing to consider. Here in the States with our nanny minded regulations this technique may not be offered because it may not meet health regulations. I will tell you though, if I could find some way to get rid of ear hair forever without too much pain or cost I would do it in a heartbeat. I am not hairy per se but those ear hairs are aggravating.
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I will tell you though, if I could find some way to get rid of ear hair forever without too much pain or cost I would do it in a heartbeat. I am not hairy per se but those ear hairs are aggravating.

I am seriously going to explore electrolysis...I know it's expensive, but just doing my ears shouldn't be all that much, and it would certainly be worth it! I am so tired of using an electric trimmer which leaves stubble that grows back the next day, or cutting myself with a blade and/or scissors, and then the hair grows through the scabs.
You don't do it yourself. You go to a threading salon (or whatever they call them) and they do it for you. Here in LA, there are a lot of old Persian ladies who do it.
I see it being done at kiosks whenever I go to the mall. It took me a long time to figure out what they were doing. I've never seen a man getting this treatment, its usually younger women that have it done.

I get my ear hair trimmed when I get a haircut. Sometimes the barber just does it on their own, sometimes I have to ask for it. Same thing with eyebrows. If I go too long without seeing a barber, I take the DE razor and run it along the edge of my ear. No need to lather or anything. It will get about 95% of the hair that's bothering me, and that's good enough for a DIY job.
I heard about the Turkish method a few years ago and do the same thing myself now, using a lighter with a long flame. I actually use a lot nose lighter as it gives me more control. The inbetween sessions (one a few weeks) I tweezers out any extra hairs that are brave enough to pop up.$lighter.jpg
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