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Rank the True Reasons Why You are into Wet Shaving (Be Honest)

number one reason smoothness even a bad shave I get smoother then a modern five blade ***. I also enjoy the hobby part of it and find it relaxing. Going out and hunting down vintage razors in the wild is also something I'm really digging.


Slays On Fleek - For Rizz
My first post...For me it was all about number 3 and the others just kind of became side effects. I have some issues with anxiety and rituals like this give me something positive to look forward to. I enjoy my rituals like making my morning coffee. Takes me 20 minutes to make one cup haha. I know I'm not saving money because I can't stop buying stuff, but it's money well spent to me. My skin has improved greatly even though I never thought anything was wrong with it before. It feels good to spend some time on yourself instead of treating it like a necessary chore.
Welcome aboard! Have you wandered over to the hall of fame yet? I, too, have suffered with anxiety. Shaving is a nice way to take your mind off of things.

Take care and enjoy your time here!

I really enjoy the brotherhood of it all.
Love the variety of options, too. Blades, razors, brushes, balms, & aftershaves. It's endless and each combinations is like riding a new Harley for the first time. Of course one has to be fearful of acquiring AD! But who cares, life is short.
All in All, you can't beat the experience of getting a great shave. The whole process is mind blowing...and peaceful!

Initially as a low cost alternative to cartridges - my stash of Gillette M3 Power blades had been rendered worse than useless from 9 years of storage in a room that is cold and damp in winter, hot and dry in summer and very hot and muggy during the August heatwaves - the lubrastrips deteriorated and I could only get 1 or 2 shaves that felt like sandpaper.

When I saw how much cartridges cost in Mallorca, I gulped and soon decided to look for an alternative

I looked at the Supermarket's own brand cheap cartridges, but they weren't much cheaper, and besides I'd lost faith in anything with a lubrastrip

Then I looked on eBay, saw a Weishi 9306 in an auction....................
And the rest is history, now my reasons for DE shaving are

1. I prefer DE to cartridges
2. Now I enjoy shaving - it's always a pleasure, never a chore
3. My face feels much better
4. I've had a lot of fun trying out and using different razors, blades, brushes, bowls/mugs, soaps, creams and aftershaves
5. My collection of razors don't need to be fed, they don't take up much space, and I like using one of them and looking at the rest
6. If I hadn't decided to get into DE shaving, you wouldn't be reading this because I wouldn't even know that B&B exists
In the early 1980`s cartridges and disposable was the craze but I just felt some affinity to a DE razor and i`ve stuck with traditional shaving since day one. I`m glad I have continued with it and glad to see a revival to wet shaving too.

You forgot the True reason number one: Dad said so!

I was taught, 40 years ago, with a DE by my Dad. A pre war Tech, a bowl of Yardley and face lathering with a brush. I still have the Tech and that brush, but the Yardley went away. The Tech is still my travel razor although I have changed razors a few times over the decades as my whiskers changed and required something different to match.

I have tried all the models of Gillette cart systems as they put them into my mailbox every time they dream up a new one. But, none of them became my daily razor. I also have a couple of Straight Razors I use once in a while.

I just wanted a better shave. The razors they make for women just suck SO bad. I also like the idea of turning something from a chore into a ritual. The money aspect doesn't mean much to me now because I haven't paid to shave in like... 3-4 years (yeah I couponed and stockpiled razors years ago so got a ton pretty much for free). On the other hand, I don't plan to start paying to shave now that I've switched either. 100 pack of DE razors will last me a couple of years and I make soap so that's not really a cost. So I guess economy is a bonus but a better shave was my deciding factor.
Initially, I started because of the price difference.
I thought that if shaving had to suck then at least I could save a lot of money doing the switch.

Then after I got the hang of it I found out that I could shave more often and it actually didn't suck.

After that I got bitten by the collectors bug and consequently stopped saving money ;-)

Now I've reached the point where I can enjoy my morning zen moment and save money shaving
1) It's just [expletive deleted] cool.
2) See #1.
My assumption is that by "wet shaving" you are referring to "traditional shaving". I've always considered anything over the sink, without an electric razor, to be wet shaving.

1. Because it is so easy and inexpensive to get stocked-up on blades. It was a chore and an expense to buy cartridges every few months. Seeking an alternative is what got me started.
2. It shaves better. I never got a BBS from a cartridge. I always figured residual stubble was part of shaving.
3. Nostalgia, ritual/meditation, rebellion, and distraction/hobby, pretty much in the same order you put them.
#1 Variety
#2 see #1

Started with DE in the 70s, went through carts and electrics, back to DE, to injectors, to carts, to electric, to carts, to on and on. Williams/Old Spice off and on. Now with the internet and the availability of numerous great soaps...
For me it started straight out of basic training. My skin was in bad shape after having to shave 2 (sometimes 3 times a day).
Mentioned to my wife I couldn't find a shaving cream I liked.... a few weeks later she came home with an AoS soap and brush. Then a friend of mine mentioned he used a safety razor to my wife, then a Merkur 34C entered my life and so the story goes.
Now its pretty simple:
1 I get extremely close, comfy shaves
2 when I have the time (weekends) I really enjoy the ritual
3 It feels cool because I don't know many who traditional shave
4 all the variety, but that is starting to shift because space is limited, funds are limited and maybe its me but of all the products I've tried I get similar results so I don't feel the need to buy everything anymore
5 because of number 4 I am actually starting to save money

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The Instigator
All of those, except skin. Well, I take that back. Electric razors definitely do give you zits. Nostalgia is a powerful attraction, though. I remember all these things from the nineteen-sixties.

Started shaving with a Gillette Slim back in the 60's.
Have tried Carts from 2 blade to 5 blade ball flex, got ingrown hairs, razor bumps and irritation. I'll pass.
DE and SE razors give me a close if not a BBS irritation free and comfortable shave every time.
And lastly, It's cheaper.
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