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New(ish) to the forum, moving from lurking to participating

Hi all,

after months of lurking the forum, it's time for me to start participating as well.

I'm quite a newbie when it comes to shaving with a safety razor. I started using a safety razor in February of this year, after hating shaving for over 2 decades. I tried it all in that time: cartridges from all brands, foil razors, rotary razors, back to cartridges and so on. Every razor gave me irritation and razor bumps if I tried to maintain a smooth shave by shaving daily or bi-daily. I eventually settled for a Philips OneBlade, giving up on the BBS feeling but also getting rid of most of the irritation.

I never tried a safety razor before. Such an ancient and dangerous contraption! But then my wife came home with a safety razor. She read about it online and bought one on a fair. And she didn't bleed to death or even injured herself after using it for the first time! She didn't even cut herself.

Well, if she can do it I can do it too! So I took her razor and loaded one of her blades and started shaving. Of course that first shave wasn't a very good one. It took me about 45 minutes, excluding all videos I watched before I started, but I was still alive and most parts of my face were quite smooth!

Things got better fast. After a couple of weeks of trying with her razor and blades (both unknown brands) I bought myself a Merkur 34C and a blade sample pack. And since then, the shaves got better and the RAD got worse 🙃

Fast forward, 3 months later. I now have 3 razors (1930's Laurel Vest Pocket open comb, 1950's Gillette Tech Ball-end, Merkur 34C) and tried 7 out of 15 blades in the pack. I lean towards the sharper yet comfortable blades such as Gillette Platinum, Personna Platinum Chrome, but I still have a couple of blades to try. And even better: I actually started to like shaving!

I really regret ignoring safety razors for so long...
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