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Just checking in.

Just checking in to see what has been going on these past few weeks. After loosing my full time gig, I have had to pick up extra EMT shifts to make ends meet and that has limited my internet browsing time!!! At night I spend most of my time applying for jobs or browsing job portals. I have a few leads on the corporate R&D side and had one good prospect but the salary rate was way too low. I cant afford to take a $50k pay cut until my wife gets out of school next fall. I cant thank you guys enough for all the support!!! I bet I have received 15 PM's with leads and ideas. This is truly a great place with some great people!!!!

On a side note.... I was watching a documentary on WWII late last night on Netflix and during one of the shots of a concentration camp it showed a pile of shaving brushes and a pile of razors that had to be as big as a VW Bus!!!!


B&B’s Champion Corn Shucker
I saw that documentary. Chills literally ran down my spine when I saw all of those brushes. There were thousands of them. Crazy


"Self appointed king of Arkoland"
As was said earlier, it sounds like you're doing the right things. May I be praying for you. Let's just say I will unless you say stop.
Good luck, Robert! I hope at least one of the leads you received pans out. Like you, I find that there are some truly amazing people hanging around B&B.
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