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Jay21's Journey Journal


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 butterscotch noir
Soap: Fendrihan unscented, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Lupo 58
Blade: Gillette Nacet (3)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: yes, minor
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

This morning's shave was pretty nice. It was closer than yesterday's, so I'm doing something right. The Fendrihan soap is pretty nice, but you can tell it lacks tallow because it doesn't have that rich and luxurious creaminess that Arko and Stirling have. I had a little sting this morning, which I wasn't expecting. Very minor, but still present. Perhaps it's the product of a closer shave. Or maybe the lack of tallow. Or maybe planetary alignment in some distant galaxy.

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Collecting wife bonus parts
I’m starting to wonder if I have a dud Nacet or it somehow got damaged while cap riding the RR Old Type because I’m starting to feel a little irritation.

I’m going to bin the blade and probably load a GSB into the Lupo 72 for tomorrow.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: Baili TTO
Blade: Dorco ST301 Stainless (1)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: No
Result: CCS+/DFS- (stubble ATG on neck)

I needed a get right shave after having some unexpected irritation on and off this week. Was it the Nacet? Was it the noir fibers? Was it the menthol in the Skin Bracer? Was it the soap? Was it my technique? Was it planetary alignment? Was it a Voodoo hex cast on me by @blethenstrom?

I went with the combination that I knew would never hurt me (if you now have the Culture Club song in your head, you're right there with me), and the one that's listed above delivered without any issue. I'll try my best to figure out the irritation by slowing building up to the routine I want to use this summer, which is to rotate soaps, use a more aggressive razor, and finish with Skin Bracer. I hope it's not the Nacet because I just finished stockpiling over 400 of them. I liked them tremendously in the past without issue, but our skin can certainly change.
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Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: Baili TTO
Blade: Dorco ST301 Stainless (1)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Skin Bracer and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: No
Result: CCS+/DFS- (stubble ATG on neck)

I needed a get right shave after having some unexpected irritation on and off this week. Was it the Nacet? Was it the noir fibers? Was it the menthol in the Skin Bracer? Was it the soap? Was it my technique? Was it planetary alignment? Was it a Voodoo hex cast on me by @blethenstrom?

I went with the combination that I knew would never hurt me (if you now have the Culture Club song in your head, you're right there with me), and the one that's listed above delivered without any issue. I'll try my best to figure out the irritation by slowing building up to the routine I want to use this summer, which is to rotate soaps, use a more aggressive razor, and finish with Skin Bracer. I hope it's not the Nacet because I just finished stockpiling over 400 of them. I liked them tremendously in the past without issue, but our skin can certainly change.
I have given up the lifestyle of the occult. It was too much work to keep up with all the ceremonies and weird things you had to do and you should see the outfits that they made you wear. No it was not for me in the end so it was not me hexing your shave. Hmmm there is someone that I know though that could have done it. He is a cult leader, but I have not seen him around much lately. He must have gone into hiding and that is @lasta. Wait a second you are part of his crew. It must be an inside job.....
Star Trek Job GIF by Goldmaster


Collecting wife bonus parts
No sign of delayed onset irritation today, which has happened a few times this week. I’ll change only one thing tomorrow. I’m thinking I’ll put the Dorco blade used today in the Lupo 72 and see what happens.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Lupo 72
Blade: Dorco ST301 Stainless (1)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: No
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

Pretty nice shave this morning. I ended up loading a fresh Dorco into the Lupo because I was too clumsy while transferring the blade from the Baili and I ended up dropping it on the floor. I didn't want to risk any edge damage during my scientific testing of the cause of my recent irritation. The good news is I had absolutely no sting or feedback of any kind. I'm one step closer to solving the mystery. I really hope it's not the Nacets, but if it is, it is. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. I really like Nacets because they are super sharp and shave me a bit closer than other blades. The Dorcos are also nice as they cause no harm ever, but they aren't as sharp and leave just a touch more stubble feel behind.


Collecting wife bonus parts
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Lupo 72
Blade: Dorco ST301 Stainless (2)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes, very minor
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

Not a bad shave today. I had a little sting from the Old Spice. I'm not sure what's going on. I've noticed my whole body has been inflamed lately due to some mystery condition that no doctor or specialist can diagnose, so maybe the irritation I've been experiencing while shaving lately is another part of the great mystery. I may consider going back to canned goo for a bit until everything settles down. Soaps, if done right, leave me with virtually no sting. Canned goo leaves me without sting. The tradeoff is the closeness in shave.
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Lupo 72
Blade: Dorco ST301 Stainless (2)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes, very minor
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

Not a bad shave today. I had a little sting from the Old Spice. I'm not sure what's going on. I've noticed my whole body has been inflamed lately due to some mystery condition that no doctor or specialist can diagnose, so maybe the irritation I've been experiencing while shaving lately is another part of the great mystery. I may consider going back to canned goo for a bit until everything settles down. Soaps, if done right, leave me with virtually no sting. Canned goo leaves me without sting. The tradeoff is the closeness in shave.
Get better quickly there my friend!


I shaved a fortune
Pre-shave: Neutrogena Hydro Boost
Brush: RR 400 matte Plissoft
Soap: Arko, mug loaded and lathered
Razor: RR Lupo 72
Blade: Dorco ST301 Stainless (2)
Number of passes: 2, XTG
Touchups or buffs: no
Aftershave: Old Spice and Nivea Sensitive balm
Sting: Yes, very minor
Result: DFS (stubble ATG on neck)

Not a bad shave today. I had a little sting from the Old Spice. I'm not sure what's going on. I've noticed my whole body has been inflamed lately due to some mystery condition that no doctor or specialist can diagnose, so maybe the irritation I've been experiencing while shaving lately is another part of the great mystery. I may consider going back to canned goo for a bit until everything settles down. Soaps, if done right, leave me with virtually no sting. Canned goo leaves me without sting. The tradeoff is the closeness in shave.
Stupid question, perhaps, but have they tested you for psoriatic arthritis? It has some odd symptoms. I started out with skin issues. After a biopsy, I was diagnosed with psoriasis.

A couple years later, I started having joint pain. I thought I was going nuts. I’d wake up in the morning with what felt like a sprained ankle and could hardly walk. By ten or so, the ankle felt fine but one of my knees felt like a horse had kicked it. Eventually, I got in to see my current arthritis doctor. She was recommended to me by the dermatologist who had sorted out my skin issues .

The arthritis doctor told me psoriatic arthritis does that. It moves around and you never know what area will be affected.

I have no idea what is causing your discomfort but if they are running tests, I’d have them looking among the unpleasant arthritis family. Perhaps they already have and this post is moot.

Edit: A more pressing issue than the traveling joint pain was my hands. The pain was so severe, I couldn’t work. It felt like my hands and halfway up to my elbows were on fire. That when I started the process of getting an arthritis doctor.
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