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I love this guy's minimalist approach to shaving!

That was fun to watch, you can tell he is enjoying DE shaving after lord knows how many years of carts. More power to him!
Warning, I'm still a rank newb. Actually, I aspire to rank newb as I'm still shaving electric while trying to figure all of this out before I make some purchases so I can switch.

I'm a bit confused by his order of operations, and at least part of it might be UK terminology?

He puts on "cologne" which he says closes the pores, then puts on moisturizer. Isn't the whole point of moisturizing to get into the skin? Wouldn't moisturizing with "open pores" be more useful?

Also, Cologne has a smell, after shave has a smell, and he's mixing them?
Putting aside this gentleman's (imo bad) technique; I have a few comments about this video.

JCinPA, I don't understand how you consider this minimalist. The guy uses a brush, soap, and after he shaves he uses three products on his face! His shaving time is so short because he does not shave half of his face; arguably the more difficult sections to shave.

Now, let me address some other things. At 1:12 he claims that the propellant in canned shaving foam is alcohol. That is false. Perhaps alcohol is an ingredient, but it most certainly is not the propellant. Gaseous hydrocarbon propellants such as mixtures of pentane, propane, butane and isobutane are commonly used. You could say I'm nitpicking, but misinformation is misinformation. At 3:44, "buff" your face with a towel?? At 4:05, he claims that cologne closes pores. As anyone who has been a member of B&B for more than a month cannot help but learn, pores do not open and close. At 4:29 he rubs moisturizing cream into his eyes! What is that all about? I'm not even going to touch his technique. I wouldn't listen to anything this guy has to say.
Putting aside this gentleman's (imo bad) technique; I have a few comments about this video.

Now, let me address some other things. At 1:12 he claims that the propellant in canned shaving foam is alcohol.

Yea I was wondering the same thing. Weird that he would say that. But he seems like a nice Gent anyway. Anyone know a vendor that stocks Arko products beyond shave sticks?
He's having fun, enjoying his shave, and not filling a landfill with plastic carts and cans.

Doesn't that cover just about every reason people join this sites like this? Props to the gent and here's to many more enjoyable shaves!
Here's the same guy again, with some visible growth this time. I don't think his technique is that bad. He's a little cavalier with touching up without relathering (and getting some redness as a result), but he's not cutting himself up or anything.

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Is that what I think it is?


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The Lather Maestro


Yes, he is not 'minimalist' in that he does use a lot of AS products, but I was just entertained by his matter of fact, 'this ain't rocket science, folks' approach to shaving. I just found him fun to watch.

He's not nearly as informative or helpful as Mantic or Geofatboy for new shavers.
This guy Steve has been making videos on shaving for some time now. All his videos are pretty similar to this one where he will just talk about things and give shave tips while shaving. I love watching his videos, and too admire his minimalist approach to this hobby. Shaving does not have to take 20-30 minutes like most of you argue. Sure he may shave over the same place without lather or doesn't have the thickets facial hair, but who really cares. He is doing something he enjoys and takes the time to put videos out. I applaud him for this.
The lesson for newbs here is to follow the rules slavishly until but only until you get comfortable with the razor, and then feel free to adapt and modify your routine to what works best for you.
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