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How many aftershaves do you have?

I have the Clubman Pinaud, Vanilla, and Bay Rum...Captain's Choice and Ogallala Bay Rum. Ogallala Sandalwood. A couple of Brut's and Aqua Velva, some Mennen...holding at 10.
Not quite as many as some but still probably too many! :blushing: Stock picture for the 2015 sabbatical


FIRST TEAM: Thayers Witch Hazel (currently Cucumber) and Lucky Tiger

SECOND TEAM: Stetson Cooling Moisture and Nivea balm

BENCHED: Barbasol Pacific Rush and Aqua Velva Ice Blue (might put back in play in the summer)

REDSHIRT: Castle Forbes Lavender (I'm saving this one for later, maybe once the Nivea is gone)
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Have been trying different ones lately.....

Musgo Real
Myrsol Emulsion
Speick (splash and balm)
Trumpers skin food
Lucky Tiger

At the moment I have A/V Original Sport, A/V Ice Sport, Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum & Joop aftershave. I'm planning on purchasing some vintage O/S, Agua Lavanda splash, Tabac & Jovan.
I must have tried thirty or forty over the years. At the moment, I've only got four in the cabinet...all cheap..all classics. I guess I'm lucky in that the Family Dollar Store knockoffs of Old Spice and Brut suit me just fine. Clubman Pinaud is my favorite, Bay Rum is my wife's favorite. ASAD isn't my thing, thankfully.
25-30, though I've just exhausted the last of the Musgo Real and are almost done with Spieck. I'll be replacing the latter, but not the former (MR is too oily for my neck of the woods, and is prohibitively expensive, these days, anyway).
At last count, I have 52 aftershaves and 15 more samples.

Full Size:
Aqua Velva Ice Blue Classic
Avon Bay Rum
Avon Deep Woods Aftershave (Maxwell 23)
Avon Leather Aftershave (Sold Gold Cadillac)
Avon Tai Winds Aftershave (Rolls-Royce)
Barbasol Pacific Rush
Brut Original
Captain's Choice Bay Rum
Captain's Choice Cat O' Nine Tails
Captain's Choice Lime
Dominica Bay Rum
Dominica Lime Bay Rum
Fine Clean Vetiver Aftershave
Fine Platinum Aftershave
Halston Z-14 Aftershave
How To Grow A Mustache Autumn Factory Aftershave
Jeris Osage Rub
Krampert's Finest Bay Rum Acadian Spice
Layrite No. 9
Mandom Aftershave
Master's Bay Rum
Myrsol Formula C
Myrsol Formula K
Ogallala Bay Rum
Ogallala Bay Rum & Sandalwood
Ogallala Bay Rum, Limes, and Peppercorns
Ogallala Bay Rum, Sage, and Cedar
Old Spice Classic
Paul Sebastian Aftershave
Pinaud Citrus Musk Eau De Cologne
Pinaud Clubman Classic Vanilla
Pinaud Clubman Musk
Pinaud Clubman Original
Pinaud Clubman Special Reserve
Pinaud Clubman Virgin Island Bay Rum
Pitralon Classic Aftershave
Proraso After Shsave
RazoRock Don Marco Aftershave
RazoRock One X Aftershave
Shea Moisture Shave Tea Tree After Shave
Speick After Shave
St. Charles Shave Dagger Aftershave
St. Charles Shave Lime Aftershave
St. Charles Shave New Spice Aftershave
St. Charles Shave Refined w/Menthol Aftershave
St. Charles Shave Very "V" Aftershave
Stetson Cooling Moisture
Stirling Magaritas In The Artic Aftershave
Stirling Orange Chill Aftershave
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man Aftershave
Superior 70 Bay Rum
Vitos Colonia Tabacco

Fine American Blend Aftershave Sample
Fine Clean Vetiver Aftershave Sample
Fine Fresh Vetiver Aftershave Sample
Fine L'Orange Noir Aftershave Sample
Fine Platinum Aftershave Sample
Fine Snake Bite Aftershave Sample
St. Charles Shave Bay Rum w/Lime Twist Balm
St. Charles Shave Blue Line w/Menthol Aftershave
St. Charles Shave Patchouli Aftershave
St. Charles Shave Savory Rose Aftershave
St. Charles Shave Woods Aftershave
Stirling Barbershop Aftershave Sample
Stirling Black Pepper Lime Aftershave Sample
Stirling Sharp Dressed Man Aftershave Sample
Stirling Vanilla Sandalwood Aftershave Sample

Hello, my name is Jeff and I have ASAD....
Old Spice before it was named "Classic". At different times way back in the past 40 years I bought it in the gray-capped white bottle. Both bottles are Shulton formula and marked as products of the NJ-based Shulton Company, predating the 1990 acquisition by P&G. When I put it on, it still smells fresh and new. Its shelf life has been amazing.
Also AoS Lavender balm. Old Spice AS Lotion coming from India.
That makes three so far.
Five, I think. I throw them out after a few years cause they don't smell so good--kind of strong and unpleasant. Maybe I didn't have the lid on tight enough.
As posted earlier, I have eleven aftershaves, not including my witch hazel and Nivea balms. What I've found is that having too many starts to short circuit my brain and adds stress due to having too many excellent choices at the beginning of the day. I've tried assigning different ones to different days, staying on a strict rotation, etc., but I'm getting overwhelmed. I think I'm going to have to pare my absolute favorites down to seven with one AS for testing. I admire those of you who can have 50 and easily transition from one to the next, but I'm not wired that way.

As a limiting factor (and to be a true traditionalist :) ), I'm going to restrict myself to products launched before my birth year of 1966. This will give me currently:
Clubman VIBR
Clubman Original
Old Spice Original (India)
Speick splash
Proraso splash
Skin Bracer

Not making the cut will be Co9T, Old Spice Classic, Gillette Cool Wave, and Clubman Special Reserve. I will save one and only one slot (an eighth) for rotation and testing to determine if it will make the top-7. This will also allow me to use a different AS on a different day every week on an eight-week rotation. If the tester is not worthy, I PIF it. On the other hand, if it is worthy, I will PIF one of the top-7. Yeah, I know "It's just shaving; you're overthinking it," but for me, it's not, and I'm not. Wetshaving has become an integral part of my lifestyle, and I'm the type of guy who needs a system. Am I freaking looney or what? :)
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As I am relatively new, I only have a few of some of the "classics":

- Clubman Original
- Aqua Velva
- Brut

I like all of them but will be trying the Fine line next.

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