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How Do You Store Your Rockwell 6s

Ok, yes, it comes in a nice box, but my shave den gets too humid for the box to stay in good shape for long and will slowly fall apart. I think I'll be wanting to flip out base plates often, at least at first. And if I just put them in a drawer, I'll ultimately not be able to find them.

I'm thinking about taking an empty Razorock croap bowl and fitting it with some foam like in the original Rockwell box. Any other ideas?
That’s rough! I think I’d rather just figure out how to solve the general humidity problem first and foremost.
That's a good starting point and something I should probably consider as well. At the moment mine sits in the bathroom medicine cabinet along with its two additional base plates.

member 119848

My bathroom too wouldn´t allow any cardboard box to survive. Humidity spikes are normal in most bathrooms.
However, I find the razor stand from Rockwell very practical. After use I dry each part of the razor with a towel, and let the dismounted razor lay in my cabinet. The handle won´t roll anywhere in its vertical position, and the whole system with the plates aside doesn´t take much space. The blade sticks to a mounted magnet in a safe location.
I know I’m not very creative, but I gave some thoughts about it and can´t find anything more practical.
My 6c sits in an enamel mug with the head resting gently just above the edge and the end of the handle on the bottom of the mug. It shares the mug with my Wilkinson Sword Classic.
I took no particular care to store my 6S thinking it wont rust. Last month I got nasty tea stains under the top cap. I deduced it was the blade. Since then I have laid down a small face towel on the rack beside the mirror. I dismantle it every time after the shave. The blade is stored in a small jar which used to have hair styling cream. A small magnet mounted to the lid with some silica gel inside.
But really humidity is the bigger problem. I have an extractor fan installed in my den that runs for the whole time I take a shower and have a shave. Makes things a lot more easier !


I'm a Lumberjack.
After use I unscrew the handle and use some compressed air to blow water out from inside and then I lay it on its side. No tea stains that way. I leave it in or on a bedroom cabinet

As for a travel / longer term storage I'm still looking / not willing to buy something .I left a leather travel case in a hotel room .And haven't replaced it yet.
Using my Rockwell 6s most days I clean it and use the stand the additional plates are kept on the counter top in a very small clip lock air tight plastic box with a silica gel pack never had a problem with any of it. Leaving the blade in though that’s always a bad idea if your avoiding rust.

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The Instigator
There is a guy on Etsy who makes tin (think Altoid) boxes specifically for the Rockwell. I ordered one and should have it next week. Be advised though he is taking a short break and won't be taking orders again for 10 days.
3D printed wet shave gear. by FrugalShave

Yeah. I'd do this, and cut slots for the various plates.

Of course you can make your own and just use a piece of closed cell foam, like from buying a microwave or something.

That’s rough! I think I’d rather just figure out how to solve the general humidity problem first and foremost.

I'd have to stop taking showers. I'm in a condo and can't put a vent in. Like Fabien, cardboard has a short lifespan in my bathroom.

I'd read about the tea stains if I leave the blade in, so I'll need to disassemble after use. All my other razors are plated Zamac so they don't have that problem.
I'd have to stop taking showers. I'm in a condo and can't put a vent in. Like Fabien, cardboard has a short lifespan in my bathroom.

I'd read about the tea stains if I leave the blade in, so I'll need to disassemble after use. All my other razors are plated Zamac so they don't have that problem.

That is a bummer.

Have you considered a small, out of the bathroom storage space? The heavy moisture is going to get to everything eventually, cleaned after use or not. I lost my fist razor (a plated Zamac) to moisture issues.

Now I keep my things on a bedroom vanity, out of any real moisture and have a nice tray to put my selection for the day on to take the the bathroom and back.
There is a guy on Etsy who makes tin (think Altoid) boxes specifically for the Rockwell. I ordered one and should have it next week. Be advised though he is taking a short break and won't be taking orders again for 10 days.
3D printed wet shave gear. by FrugalShave

Great idea, but I think an Altoid box, after several years, could have rust problems, too. I think I'm still liking the to try something similar, except using a former round croap container and some kind of foam.
That is a bummer.

Have you considered a small, out of the bathroom storage space? The heavy moisture is going to get to everything eventually, cleaned after use or not. I lost my fist razor (a plated Zamac) to moisture issues.

Now I keep my things on a bedroom vanity, out of any real moisture and have a nice tray to put my selection for the day on to take the the bathroom and back.

How I store my Den too. No worries about moisture. I also dip my 6s in alcohol and take the blade out after shaving to avoid tea stains as long as possible.
I dip the head in 99% iso after the shave (I don’t remove the blade) and hang it on an acrylic razor stand. No tea staining since I’ve been using the alcohol, and it only adds 3 more seconds to your routine.
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