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How can I talk to a girl at the gym?

Just talk to her. If there is a piece of equipment she uses that you haven't tried then ask her what she thinks of it. If she's interested in you then you will get to know her, if she's not interested then it's no big deal. Don't over think it, just relax and start a conversation.

There are many fish in the sea. You just never know when you are going to bump into Ms. Right and a few "no thanks" along the way is nothing to worry about ... forget about it and move on. Good Luck!
Well, one thing to consider when hitting on any woman at any location is whether you two are the same species. Take my friend Jon (name changed for his protection - you can thank me later, John!): he (3/4 trog) always goes off stalking women from another species (human) and he ends up severely disappointed, while the woman ends up severely frightened and disgusted.

We should create a flowchart!

Try to impress her with your personality. Your body, for better or worse, is already on display. If your personality is no good, wear spandex, but only if your body is good. If your body and personality are lacking, you are doomed altogether or at least forced to lower your expectations a dozen notches.
I'm going to go ahead and say NOT to start a convo while she's working out. Maybe on the way to the locker room or in the hallway say hello or casually ask "how are you today"? From there, I'd wait until she starts to talk to you more often at the gym. Otherwise, if she likes the treadmill, jump on behind her and run together. You'll know right away if she wants to talk to you or not.
I've been living with a woman for like 5 years (before she found out i was there and called the cops) so i'm like an expert.
Just go up to her in the tinniest shorts and "bro tank" you can find with your veins poping out, cause girls like vascular guys and say this one line.
"hey bro, you into crossfit?" then grunt.
you get extra cred if you pound some protein shake in front of her.

You can thank me later.
Just say hello. If she smiles and says hello back, immediately follow it with You wanna get outta here. If she says Where to, you're golden. If you scare her away immediately approach another woman, any woman and loudly ask You wanna get outta here! Repeat until you are kicked out of the gym and eventually banished from civilized society altogether.
Take advantage of the current societal situation. Follow her into the women's locker room. Give her the seventies disco eye brows and say "I was confused until I saw you in here." Guaranteed to work.

Oh, god, I DON'T miss being 20. So wrapped up in your own head that you miss 99% of life!

Here's the thing, either she likes you or she doesn't. On the way out of the gym just say "Hi, I'm <insert name>, I'm getting a coffee across the street, would you like to join me?" , no gimmicks or lines necessary.

If she says Yes, then you're golden.
If she looks skeezed and says No, or worse obviously starts searching for an excuse to get out of it, then play it off cool and say "OK, maybe another time then." Most importantly, you've now opened the door to a conversation with her. Feel free to chat casually in passing from now on.
If she says No but suggests another time, that's basically a Yes.
Picking up girls at the gym? Unless you are the resident alpha male, this is not the best environment, I think! :tongue_sm
Really? Lol I have gotten a lot of dates from the gym and I'm just an average guy. It's just an environment like any other and being friendly never hurts. There's a difference between friendly flirting and being a creeper so just stay in the right side of the line and you be fine. [emoji4]
Take advantage of the current societal situation. Follow her into the women's locker room. Give her the seventies disco eye brows and say "I was confused until I saw you in here." Guaranteed to work.


Heheheheheheh ... this is very funny, though a little sad that it might seem almost believable in the current environment.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Really? Lol I have gotten a lot of dates from the gym and I'm just an average guy.

Not every gym has the same clientele. Compared to the competition at your particular gym, you are probably a studsicle. Of course, I'm just guessing here. I told my friend Jon, who is 70, to better join a gym where the average age is 80. That would put him in the more desirable age range. :tongue_sm
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I've been working out for over 25 years in gyms that include pro carded competitors. Just because a woman is in a hard core gym or even competes herself doesn't mean she is waiting for a alpha to choose her.

Oh and that's a sarcastic line from one of my friends who is a figure competitor, she finds many men in the gym funny.

ETA bench 275 deadlft 455 squats 365 and I believe that's average for a 160 powerlifter.
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You quit worrying so much. Walk up and say, "hi. My name is Rob. What's yours?"

Use your real name if the user name isn't right.
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