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Honing near PA?

Hello everyone ,

I was wondering if there is anyone close in PA that I can get a razor honed? If close enough I would love to learn how . My zip code is18644 . I just bought a vintage George Westonholme that needs some honing to get it in shave ready shape .

Well, I am from and live near Pittsburgh. Though my profile says Wheeling, WV, which is where I currently live at the moment. I wouldn't call myself reputable in that I don't do honing for a business. However, I do hone a lot of razors for myself and occasionally sell some of the restored kamisori I have here (currently around 60 or so). If that isn't something you are interested in then I can put you on to a fella that actually does all his own work and forges razors from a lump of steel. He is only a few miles from me, though technically Ohio, its very close.
Thanks soo much !! I would def. be interested in seeing some of this when I’m in the area , although I am not close I do frequent Pittsburg .
Thanks soo much !! I would def. be interested in seeing some of this when I’m in the area , although I am not close I do frequent Pittsburg .

Nice - sounds good - I’ve got a modest, though well rounded collection of Jnats representing stones from almost every coarseness and could restore even a rusty and chipped kamisori or western straight (and have) with what I have.

I bought a lot of Greaves, Wostenholm, Wade and Butcher, and other Sheffield razors, and their German counterparts in the last few years. I’ve restored some of them but I’m by no means an expert.
We would have to talk about what your expectations are based on what the condition of the razor is - for instance - tape or not? I don’t tape razors I plan on keeping for myself - but if it’s something I think I might try to sell or someone else’s razor - I always tape unless I’m directed not to tape.
Keep in touch. Send me a private message and we can exchange info too. I live close to that fella Williams - not sure if you’ve seen his razors. Look him up. He’s only a few minutes from here. I have a custom kamisori (though it’s symmetrical) made by him. Solid stuff. 10/8”.
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