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Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at B&B

Wishing you a Thanksgiving Day stuffed with everything good!
Friends, family and good health.

Happy Thanksgiving from your friends at B&B!

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My elbows leak
Staff member
Thanksgiving can be a time of over indulgence, hectic travel, and shopping.
Let us not forget the name and the intent of the Holiday.

Give thanks for what you have, in whatever measure you have it, and know that there are others who would be grateful for just a portion of it.

Friends such as we have here at B&B, Family that we love and whom love us, a home and shelter above our heads and the heads of our children and loved ones.

A Happy Thanksgiving to all.

I'm so bad at writing prepared statements like this. There is usually so much I want to say, but have no idea how to say it all. I try to live my life in perpetual gratitude. Thankful for each day, thankful for every good thing, thankful for every test and trial. To have one day of the year set aside for the sole purpose of expressing thanks, seems insufficient to me, but it's a start! I'm thankful for this forum, where like-minded souls who may never meet otherwise, or who have such varied interests to never have there paths intersect otherwise can gather and learn from one another and be generally entertained day in and day out. To you fine gentlemen (and ladies), I say thanks, and God bless!

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Happy Turkey day all! I wish everyone filled bellies, laughter, good company, good food and drink and hopefully...low stress.

Come to think of it....if I pull the last part off it equals most holidays...I think I need to add copious amounts of booze as well in order to cope...LOL


I got moves like Jagger
Happy Thanksgiving from Canada!

... and if you are still a little hungry after the turkey, I guess you could always sneak one little burger on the backyard grill to help tide you over.


Needs milk and a bidet!
"The meal is not over when I'm full. The meal is over when I hate myself."

Happy Thanksgiving B&B!
Happy Thanksgiving to all Americans wherever you may be, and to all the immigrants to this grand country.

Tony, the displaced Scotsman
Hey guys just wanted to wish everyone here a Happy Thanksgiving!

This is one great group of people and I am thankful to be a part of this group.
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