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Giants in the world series


System Generated
No swimming lessons tomorrow, no soccer, no parent teacher meetings, I don't bring work home, so the kids and I (and my wife if she wants) will be gathered around the TV for Game 7.
Game 7. Should be a heckuva game, and the Kauffman will be rockin'. Can't wait.
Tell me there isn't any of us who "played" Game 7 in our heads when we played hockey or baseball as kids. For kids playing golf, I guess there's no Game 7...maybe a Cinderella story, perhaps.
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System Generated
Slightly off topic, but anyone want to place bets on how soon Jose Canseco becomes our generation's Mordecai Brown?
Canseco and McGwire....from Bash Brothers to Double Losers.

Canseco is a train wreck and McGwire wrecked his legacy with drugs...I guess Canseco was doing steroids too but it was all the finger pointing and books them made him a joke....and now this.

Why he's still in the news, is beyond me.
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Stjynnkii membörd dummpsjterd
That was a solid play in left field. I was thinking that was a hit when it left the bat.

Relax, Bruce.


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